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20 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004205 ShortTitle: 84POEM18 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only) Bliss is the most godly quality in existence

And misery the most ungodly.

But the irony is that people remember god only When they are in misery. And that is the most difficult moment

To have any connection with god.

You are as distant from god as possible. In misery one becomes closed

In misery one becomes without windows

There is no opening and there is no possibility Of making a bridge with god. In bliss one opens up

Like a lotus opening its petals.

Then there is a communion with the sun And the wind and the rain.

The most precious moment

Is when you are feeling blissful -- That is the time to remember god. But unfortunately that is the time When nobody remembers god.

Who cares about god

When you are feeling blissful? For what? This has to be remembered:

When you are feeling blissful, That is the time to pray

That is the time to meditate.

You are as close to god as you ever will be. Just a little effort...

And a sudden meeting and a sudden light And a sudden opening of the heart.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Make it a point

not to remember god when you are in misery. The natural tendency

Is to remember god when you are in misery. Millions of people remember god

But very few people have found him For the simple reason

That they remember him at the wrong time. Whenever you are feeling good, healthy Peaceful, happy, cheerful

When you are feeling like dancing and singing that is the moment -- don't miss that moment! Make it a moment of prayer and remembrance And meditation

And god will become a reality to you. Swami East West.

Just West is half and just East is too And both have lived separately so long. You become the meeting place!

Man will be total only when East and West meet. My sannyasins have to become a synthesis.

They have to absorb

All that is beautiful in the East

And all that is beautiful in the West. There is much

Which both the hemispheres have contributed But there is much which is ugly too

And the ugly has to be dropped. And if they remain separate The ugly cannot be dropped.

That is something to be understood. The West is basically

Scientific, materialistic, objective. Nothing is wrong in being scientific

But to think that science is the end is wrong.

Nothing is wrong in knowing the secrets of matter But to think that by knowing matter

You have known all that is worth knowing Is absolutely wrong.

But if the West remains the West

Then that is going to continue, that old idea

Of the materialistic, objective, scientific approach. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- The East believes in and has experienced too

Something more than matter, but it became So infatuated with that something more That it simply became indifferent to matter, Which is wrong.

That's why the East is suffering so much From poverty, starvation, disease:

For the simple reason that the East

Has given its total attention to the spiritual, Neglecting the material.

It is religious, it is mystical, it is subjective But at the cost of being scientific. It goes beyond science

But science is needed, it is a must. There is a great difference Between a song and a pice of bread

In fact there seems to be no connection.

But if you are hungry, the song will disappear. The song is possible only

When you are not hungry When your body is satisfied;

Only then

Do higher satisfactions become possible. The East has to learn

Western materialism and the scientific approach And the West has to learn Eastern mysticism and the subjective approach.

Then only can the whole man be created. In my vision, up to now the whole man Has not existed; he has yet to come.

And my sannyasins have to become

The herald of the new man, of the whole man. Man can know god only

If he is utterly vulnerable, soft and tender Almost feminine.

Only then can you soak up the presence of god Only then can you allow it to sink deep

Into your being. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- God surrounds you, god is everywhere

But we are so hard, impenetrable, rocklike

And we go on asking, 'Where is god? What is the proof?'

To the person who lives

In a rocklike, enclosed existence,

Encapsulated in hardness, god cannot be proved Because god is not an argument It is an experience.

You have to be very soft, utterly soft. Then there is no need to ask for the proof.

Each moment there are a thousand and one proofs. Wherever you turn you will find god Encountering you, facing you:

In the sun, in the moon, in the flowers In the birds, in people, in animals.

Once you are soft god is everywhere. If you are hard god is nowhere.

All depends on your being soft. Dhyan means meditation.

Rosie has two meanings; one is German. That you have to avoid, that you have to drop completely; it means horse.

But that's how the German language is: so many wolves

and so many horses, bears... and all kinds of things

I have to come across every day! Remember the Latin meanings.

The Latin meanings are very beautiful.

There are two -- one: the flower rose, and the second: giver of love -- which are both beautiful.

Meditation will help your heart to become a rose. Ordinarily the heart is like a bud

As if the rose is closed.

When you start becoming a little more aware A little more silent, a little more peaceful That bud starts opening its petals.

And when the rose opens, fragrance is released. When your heart releases its fragrance

That is love.

The heart is a rose 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- And the open heart is a giver of love.

It gives for the sheer joy of giving. Wen love becomes a joy in itself, Not as a means to get something But as an end unto itself

Then life is fulfilled.

Then love is synonymous with god Then they don't mean different things. Jesus says god is love, and he is right And he is the first person

In the whole history of humanity Who has said it so clearly.

Sonja has four meanings

All the meanings come from different languages and yet are interrelated The Greek meaning is wisdom,

the Persian meaning is purity, the Hebrew meaning is a seer, the Hindi meaning is golden. Wisdom arises out of purity.

It arises out of innocence.

And when wisdom arises you become a seer You start seeing things

Which you have never seen before. For the first time you have eyes.

Before it you were blind.

And this is the most golden experience. So start with the Persian meaning:

Become innocent.

And the Greek meaning

Will come out of that innocence; wisdom. And it will open you closed eyes --

That is the Hebrew meaning: You will become a seer. The whole experience is the most precious one.

That is the Hindi meaning. It is the ultimate experience The golden experience.

One of the greatest meditations is

To be contented with everything as it is. Naturally, the mind starts stopping..

The mind can live only in discontent. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

In contentment it dies

It cannot survive with contentment. Create the climate of contentment And mind surely dies, inevitably dies. Essentially you are divine

So anything that happens to you Is only a passing moment -- Don't be distracted by it.

If it is pleasure, watch it. If it is pain, watch it.

Pleasure passes, pain passes. These are just like clouds

Moving in the infinite sky of your being. The sky is not affected by the clouds.

They may be dark clouds

They may be beautiful white clouds

It doesn't matter -- the sky remains unscratched. To remember that 'I am god'

Means to remember 'I am the sky.'

And all the experiences that happen in life Are like small clouds: they come and go.

They are not worth paying much attention to. Take no notice. Let that be your meditation. Remember always

You are the sky, the infinite sky No clouds can distort you.

Slowly slowly the clouds will not come to you. They never come uninvited.

You may not have invited the pain

But you invite the pleasure, and the pain Is the other side of the same phenomenon:

Invite one and the other comes.

They cannot be divorced, they are always together. When you stop inviting them

These guests start disappearing.

Soon a moment comes when you remain unclouded And that's what Buddha calls nirvana

And Jesus calls the kingdom of god. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- God is available only to the wise ones

Never to the knowledgeable ones. The ignorant person may know god But the knowledgeable person cannot.

That is impossible, that has never happened.

The knowledgeable thinks that he already knows And he knows nothing, he is deceiving himself.

He lives in a great deception. The seeker of truth

First has to destroy all deceptions

And the fundamental deception is that 'I know.' The seeker of truth has to start

From a state of not-knowing, of 'I don't know.' He is neither a believer nor a non-believer

He is neither a theist nor an atheist He is neither Hindu nor Christian -- He cannot be!

How can a seeker become identified With any ideology?

He keeps himself free. He is ready to enquire But he remains unprejudiced.

That's what I call a state of not-knowing.

He always functions from a state of not-knowing And this state of not-knowing Slowly grows into wisdom.

Wisdom does not come

From scriptures or from others. It grows within you.

If you are capable

Of keeping yourself undeceived by the mind Wisdom is bound to happen.

It is your intrinsic nature

We just never give it an opportunity. We go on stuffing in knowledge

So there is no space for the wisdom to grow. Throw all knowledge out

Make yourself spacious enough For the wisdom to take place For the wisdom to happen.

And it is wisdom

That brings you ultimately to god. Meditation


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

Is only a negative method: it simply helps you To throw the knowledge out, that's all.

It is like medicine:

Medicine simply throws the disease out, It does not help you to be healthy.

Health arises in you -- that is your nature.

Medicine only keeps the disease out

t cuts the roots of the disease, that's all, Then your nature starts functioning.

When your nature starts functioning Then health is not difficult

It is a natural outcome. So is wisdom: it is health. Meditation is medicine.

It keeps the disease of knowledge out of you It prevents the disease from getting in

From getting roots in you From making roads in you.

It uproots the weeds, and once the soil is clean Roses start sprouting of their own accord.

The ultimate music does not consist of sounds

It consists of silence.

It does not consist of words It is utterly wordless.

It has nothing to do with any instrument. The Zen people call it

The sound of one hand clapping.

That is impossible: one hand cannot create sound. You will need two things;

Only then, by friction, can sound be created. But one hand can create silence

And that is the meaning of the Zen expression. And silence is more musical than any sound.

In taoist circles in China it is said

That when the musician becomes perfect He throws away his instruments.

When the archer becomes perfect

He throws away his bow and arrows -- They are only for the beginners

For those who are trying to learn. But when one becomes a master Then nothing is needed.

One's own being is enough unto itself. It is the music, the music of all music. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It is the poetry, the poetry of all poetry.

It is the art of all art.

Seek and search for it -- it is not far away. You just have to learn

How to dive within yourself.

And that's what meditation is all about. Eighty Four Thousand Poems Chapter #19



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