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19 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004195 ShortTitle: 84POEM17 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only.]


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Sannyas is a resolution.

It is a resolution to grow

It is a resolution to discover oneself

It is a resolution to find what it is all about. This life, this existence,

Is it just accidental or is there a meaning? If it is just accidental

Then there is no possibility of religion

Then the whole endeavour Is an exercise in futility.

Religion is possible only If there is some meaning.

Of course the meaning is hidden And it has to be discovered --

That is a challenge and that challenge needs A great resolution on your part.

The wavering mind cannot go into this enquiry. The indecisive mind

Cannot even take the first step.

So let sannyas be a great involvement Let it be a matter of life and death, Only then is there a possibility

To discover meaning.

Unless one risks all, one cannot discover it. And to live without discovering

The truth of life

Is not to live at all.

We are all born as rocks

And we all have to become roses.

The rock has the capacity to become a rose.

It looks impossible but it only looks impossible. It has happened many times;

It can happen to you too.

If it can happen to Jesus, it can happen to you. And I am talking from my own experience:

Everybody is born as a rock, but very few people Try to make the best of this great opportunity And become roses -- very few, very rare people Others simply live like rocks, rolling stones

Accidentally moving with the river Hither and thither, gathering no moss And then dying.

They are born as rocks, they die as rocks. Nothing happens in your life


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Unless you become a rose.

The colour that I have chosen for sannyas Is the colour of roses;

It symbolises that you are getting ready For the transformation.

It is an uphill task, no doubt about it But it is a beautiful journey.

Hard, but very exciting Arduous, but very ecstatic. In ancient mythology

The wolf represents two qualities:

One is courage, another is faithfulness. The wolf is utterly faithful to the master He is ready to risk his life at any moment. His faith is absolute:

You can depend on it, you can rely on it. The same faith is needed in a disciple too. And remember, faith is not belief.

Belief is something intellectual. You believe in a certain philosophy

In a certain dogma, in a certain creed -- That is belief, that is of no value at all. It is intellectual gymnastics.

Faith is of the heart, belief is of the head. Belief has no value

But faith has tremendous value.

It is a heart-to-heart relationship.

Unless you are related to me heart to heart You are not related at all.

If you are convinced only by what I say You will be a believer.

If you are convinced of what I am Then faith arises.

It is a totally different phenomenon It is existential, not intellectual.

It is a love affair!

One can change one's beliefs easily But one cannot change one's faith. Once it happens, it happens forever. It colours your being so deeply That it is impossible to change it.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- A Christian can become a Hindu

A Hindu can become a Christian --

That is very easy, there is no problem in it:

One has one belief instead of another. But a man who has loved Jesus

One who has fallen in love with Jesus...

And that can happen only while Jesus is alive. Faith can happen only

Between an alive master and a disciple. Belief can happen

Between a dead master and the follower. For centuries this can go on happening. But belief is impotent.

Remember the difference between faith and belief And try to help faith arise in your heart.

That will be your deliverance That will be your salvation.

You can bless others

Only when you are blissful, never before it.

You can give to others only that which you have. Unless you are overflowing with bliss

You cannot bless ; your overflowing bliss Will be a blessing for all.

Become blissful.

It is our birthright; we can become blissful We are meant to be blissful.

If we grow naturally it is bound to happen. It is not something supernatural

It is the climax of our natural growth. But we never look inwards

We go on searching on the outside. And on the outside

There is only desert and nothing else. You may collect a few seashells

And coloured stones an the sea-beaches But that's all; the real treasure is inwards. Go in, rest in your own being

And slowly slowly as the rest becomes deeper As your relaxation

Starts becoming a settled phenomenon When nothing distracts you


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- When you become the centre of a cyclone

Then bliss arises.

And of course a blissful person Is a blessing to the world

Just as a miserable person Is a curse to the world.

If one can remember only that one is divine It is enough of a meditation.

If it becomes a constant remembrance Just like an undercurrent in you

Then nothing else is needed. And it is not only a question

Of remembering that you are divine. When you remember that you are divine

You naturally remember that everybody is divine. You can be divine only

If everybody else is also divine.

You can be divine only in a divine existence. We are part of one organic unity.

So remember it as often as possible. Let it become like breathing

And it will reveal many mysteries to you.

When you are looking at people remind yourself: They are all divine, And the trees and the rocks and the stars.

And when you start feeling surrounded By thousands of divine forms

Naturally, it becomes impossible to be miserable. One simply feels as if one is flying

One becomes weightless, one starts growing wings. This is your meditation, this is your prayer.

Everybody is a man of god We have just forgotten it.

We have to remember it.It is not something That we have to create, invent

It is something that has to be discovered.

It is there, just covered with a forgetfulness. All methods of meditation do only one thing:


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- They help you to remember who you are

They make you aware of a forgotten language. And that's what sannyas is all about.

This is going to be your work upon yourself: Be as blissful as possible, be cheerful

Smile an laugh.

Don't wait for any reason to laugh

Just laugh like a madman, for no reason at all! Laughter in itself is enough, it needs no reason. It is so health-giving

It is such a good exercise

For the body and for the soul, both. So wherever you are sitting

Just have a good laugh

And then others will start laughing Seeing you laughing for no reason. Then you will laugh

At those people who are laughing And then it goes on and on

And there is no end to it.

Stop only when tears start coming to your eyes. That means full stop!

-- How long will you be here?

-- Six weeks more.

-- That's good! This is your work for six weeks: laugh as much as you can! The ultimate void is another name for god.

The word 'god' has become ugly.

The priests have exploited the word so much That it has lost all beauty.

The ultimate void simply means That from which everything arises

And into which everything disappears finally, The source and the goal of all.

Meditation is the only way to experience it. Meditation means moving inwards to the point Where that ultimate void is still in existence.

Our body has a form, our mind has a form But our consciousness is formless.

When you move deeper than the body and the mind Suddenly , you stumble into an ultimate void --

Don't be afraid of that.

It is the most beautiful experience of life It is the experience!


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Courage is the greatest religious quality,

Everything else is secondary.

You cannot be truthful if you are not courageous You cannot be loving if you are not courageous You cannot be trusting if you are not courageous You cannot enquire into reality

If you are not courageous; Hence courage comes first And everything else follows.

But the so-called religious people Have been teaching just the opposite.

Rather than helping people to be courageous They help people to be more and more afraid. They create fear of god in people

Fear of hell, fear of punishment

And out of fear they hope to create love for god. That is sheer nonsense, that is impossible.

It is only out of fearlessness That love can arise.

It is only out of fearlessness

That one can go into the enquiry of the ultimate. It is a long voyage

And it is a voyage into the unknown. Cowards won't be able to leave this shore. And religion means a great longing

For the other shore, the farther shore Which is not visible from this side. So gather courage!

By becoming a sannyasin You are taking the first step

Into something absolutely unknown. And that is the first step into god.

There is only one victory And that is over oneself.

All other victories are pseudo substitutes

All other victories are only toys to play with.

Money, power and prestige can keep you occupied But they are utterly meaningless.

They may attract the childish mind But they can't attract a mature person. A mature person becomes interested 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- In only one thing:

How to be a master of oneself. Before death comes

This miracle has to be made possible. No stone should be left unturned.

Every effort should be made to conquer The unconscious darkness within oneself. And once consciousness

Has conquered the unconscious, life is a joy And a joy forever, one that knows no ending. It is eternal.

Unless you love the world you cannot be creative unless you love the beauty of the world

you cannot be creative.

If you don't love the beauty of the trees why would you paint trees?

If you don't love the song of the birds why should you sing?

If you don't love the music

of the wind passing through the pine trees

why should you play on a violin?

Only somebody who is in deep love with existence can be creative.

And the old idea of sannyas - of monks and nuns was very uncreative. They destroyed many people; many creative potentialities remained

just potentialities because of the old idea. The idea was basically wrong.

My sannyas has to be creative. My message is:

To be creative is the only way to be religious.

If god is a creator, then to be creative is the only way to participate with god, to participate in his being,

to rejoice in his being.

Osho hands an American woman her sannyas name and tells her that Kirtan means singing in praise of god. Then he pauses and comments

-- Seeing you, I feel singing will be difficult for you, that's why I am giving you the name.

You look serious and you look afraid also. Drop all this seriousness and all this fear Be free of fear and be free of seriousness. Take life as fun -- it is a beautiful play.

So many beautiful games are going on:

If you can participate, good; 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- If you cannot participate

At least you can be a good spectator. But enjoy anyway.

Either as a participant or as a spectator Enjoy!

Don't miss a single moment

Squeeze the whole juice out of every moment Otherwise god will not forgive you!

He will ask what you did with your life Why you were serious.

Life is not for being serious:

Dead people can be that Life is not needed for that.

When you are in your grave, be serious -- Gravely serious!

But right now become a singing, a hallelujah.

The definition of a sannyasin is one who is on guard, alert, aware.

Watchful of the mind around, watchful of the mind inside. Watchful of all kinds of thoughts, desires.

Images that float in the mind Watchful of the watcher too.

And that is the ultimate in watchfulness.

In vigilance: To be aware of awareness itself. First become aware of the world -

Which is the easiest - aware of the trees. And the birds and the sun and the moon. Then become aware of your body.

Then become aware of your mind

and you are coming closer and closer to the center. These are all concentric circles around the center. Then become watchful of your feelings.

And then finally

Become watchful of your watching. The day one is capable

Of watching one's watchfulness Is the greatest day in life.

Paradise simply descends in you.

Bliss starts showering like thousands of flowers.

Eighty Four Thousand Poems

Chapter #18 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-



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