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18 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004185 ShortTitle: 84POEM16 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only.]

Bliss is a moon.

It is far closer to the moon than to the sun Because bliss is peace, silence, calmness And these are the qualities of the moon.

The sun is hot, passionate.

The moon is compassionate, cool. Happiness is closer to the sun --

It is an excitement. So is pleasure. It is even hotter than happiness.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Happiness is just in between pleasure and bliss.

But bliss is absolutely cool, not cold -- remember. Fully alive but absolutely peaceful

Utterly peaceful.

We cannot understand it Unless we have experienced it

Because we have known many kinds of joys But they are all hot.

They are all kinds of excitement. And that is the difference Between bliss and pleasure

Bliss is not hot at all.

It is so cool that not only the person Who experiences it becomes cool, Whosoever comes close to him Also feels the coolness

As if a subtle cool breeze Surrounds the man of bliss. Remember it

That we have to move from the hot sun

From the passionate, hot energies Towards the cool energies of the moon. The moon represents something spiritual The sun represents something sexual.

The sun represents life

The moon represents something higher than life Transcendental to life. Hence in many old cultures the sun was

Never considered to be as important as the moon.

And many ancient calenders are based on the moon Not on the sun For the simple reason that

Although mathematically

The calender based on the sun Is far more scientific...

The calendar based on the moon is not so exact. In cannot be, it is far more poetic

Not so arithmetical, not so scientific, It cannot be.

But if we look deep into the human body Then we will be surprised.

Now researchers are working on it And they find there is a synchronisity

Between the human body and the moon. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

The woman's monthly course, her monthly period Depends on the moon, not on the sun,

Hence it comes every twenty-eight days. And now researchers are finding

That there is something

Exactly like it in man's body too Something like a period, a monthly period. Of course there is no visible sign

But just as for four or five days The woman goes into a turmoil

The man also goes into a certain turmoil Every month, after twenty-eight days.

And now they have found

That many more people commit suicide

On moon-lit nights than on no- moon nights. Many more people go mad on moon-lit nights Than on no-moon nights.

And it has been a long, long established fact

That many more people have become enlightened On the full-moon night than on any other night.

Certainly one has never heard

Of a man becoming enlightened in the day. Up to now it has not happened.

Something seems to be very deeply connected With the moon and the phases of the moon.

So remember it, that bliss is a cool phenomenon And become more and more cool and calm

And quiet and collected.

That is the preparation for bliss to descend. Remember always

That unless you have attained unshakeable bliss Life is a defeat, a failure. Even if you possess the whole world

You have failed.

You may be Alexander the Great Still, you miss the whole point. Bliss has to be attained.

And bliss means a joy

That is not dependent on anybody else

That is not dependent on anything at all That is simply yours

That wells up within your being. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Pleasure is dependent on others

Hence it is a kind of slavery.

It is sometimes nice and sometimes bitter But it is a slavery

And a slavery cannot be very nice. Maybe we can manage to sugar-coat it We can make chains out of gold

But chains are chains.

We can decorate the prison

But a prison is a prison, it is not a home. Pleasure is dependent on others.

Bliss is independent, totally independent. That's is beauty.

You can be blissful all alone, by yourself. It gives you absolute freedom.

That is the goal of sannyas. Bliss is always unique.

Pleasure is the same -- it is not much different. You possess a beautiful house

Somebody else possesses a beautiful house -- It is the same kind of thing

Nothing special about it.

Because the house is something outside you It is an objective thing.

But bliss is a subjective phenomenon. It is absolutely yours

Nobody can participate in it

Nobody can go with you to share it with you, You are all alone there.

It is utterly individual

It is absolutely unique , it is virgin. Everything else in life is used by others.

It is always second-hand, it is never virgin. But bliss is virgin: nobody can us it Nobody can have any approach to it.

It is simply unapproachable.

Only you can enter

Into that innermost shrine of your being In your total aloneness.

You can't even take your friends there. That's the beauty of it: its utter virginity Its absolute individuality, its authenticity. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Seek and search for bliss

And don't be distracted

By the small pleasures of life.

Put your whole energy into the real search. Sannyas is a decision, a commitment

A great commitment to this ultimate search, This search for bliss

Bliss is god; god is another name for bliss. The first half of your name, Holger, Comes from 'holmi'

Which means an island.

And remember, no man is an island.

We are part of a vast continent.

The very idea of being an island is egoistic. We are not islands, we are part of infinity. Unbounded we are

There is no definition, no limit to us. So go beyond the idea of the island.

And the second part, 'geirr,' means spear -- That is even more dangerous.

But the ego is always violent The ego always has a spear. Or if it is very modern

Then it has an atom bomb.

But the ego is always destructive. The spear represents destructiveness. So you have to go beyond both

You have to go beyond holger. From now onwards remember Your name is VEET Holger:

One who is trying to go beyond holger. You are not to be a spear

You are not to be an island.

You have to be love and you have to be vast As vast as the whole sky is.

Life can be either just a heap of flowers Or, it can be transformed into a garland. If it is just a heap of flowers

It has no organic unity, it is only a crowd Of many selves, of many I's

All struggling and fighting for supremacy.

Man lives in a constant inner war, and every self 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Tries to pull you in a different direction.

You are always falling to pieces.

Life can be lived in a totally different way. Those flowers which are separate

Can be connected by a thread,

By something that runs through all of them By a sense of direction, by awareness

By being more conscious. Then life is no more accidental Then it is no more a crowd,

You start having an integrated being.

And the more crystallised and integrated you are, The more joy is possible. How much bliss you will be able to receive

Depends on your integrity.

The fragmentary person remains miserable The integrated person attains to bliss.

Sannyas has to become the thread So that you can join all the flowers Of your life in a kind of togetherness So life becomes not just a noise

But an orchestra.

Then there is great beauty and great bliss.

Life in its reality is unbounded, it is infinite It is not confined to the body Not confined to the mind either.

It is not confined at all; it is oceanic. Even oceans have certain limits

But life has no limits at all,

It has no beginning and no end. But we have become too identified With the body and the mind.

We have completely forgotten

That this is not our reality.

The body is only a caravanserai. We have lived in many bodies, This is not the first time

That you are staying in a hotel, You have stayed in many hotels.

And even though it is a five-star hotel It is only a hotel.

And you are not it.

You are the traveller, the pilgrim, the life The consciousness that goes on moving 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- From one body to another, from

One mind to another, from one form to another. The day we realise that we are formless

Is a great day. That is the day of revelation. After that we are never the same again.

After that we are part of god And god is part of us.

We don't know who we are, That's the only problem And out of that one problem

A thousand and one other problems arise. And people go on trying

To solve those thousand and one problems. They cannot be solved

Because the root problem remains.

And out of the root new sprouts go on coming up. We have to cut the root

We have to know the most fundamental thing Of ourselves, about ourselves: who we are.

And the only way is meditation. When the mind is absolutely silent

Suddenly, when the noise is no more there, All is clear, you are transparent to yourself. Suddenly you see you are godly

And so is the whole existence.

Then there is no problem, no anxiety Because there is no death.


That was important before becomes unimportant And everything

That you had never thought was important Becomes important. It is a radical change. No one is less than a god

Because only god exists and nothing else. In the rock god exists as rock

In the sun god exists as the sun In man god exists as man

In woman god exists as woman.

These are all his forms. There is no hierarchy: Nobody is higher and nobody is lower.

The whole idea of hierarchy is egoistic. Man thinks himself

The highest manifestation of god. That is all bullshit!


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- A rose flower is as high as anything can be.

It is a different manifestation

And a different dimension -- There is no comparison possible. To look at life as one existence

Is the beginning of a great pilgrimage. And dropping the idea of hierarchy

Is dropping the very foundation of the ego. Nobody is lower, nobody is higher.

We are made of the same stuff,

Hence the rock is as divine as you are. Treat the whole existence as divine.

And the moment you start

Treating the whole existence as divine New visions, new horizons open up Which were never available to you Because your eyes were too clouded With the ego and egoistic clouds

And there was too much smoke:

You could not see clearly.

In the Upanishads the ancient mystics declared 'Aham Brahmasmi' -- I am god.

The great Sufi mystic, Al Hillaj Mansoor

Declared 'Ana'l Haq' -- I am truth.

But remember, they are using the word 'I' Not to represent the ego,

In their I all the 'I' of the world are included Nothing is excluded.

Sunrise is the color of sannyas, orange is the color of sannyas. It represents the end of the night and the beginning of a new day. Initiation into sannyas is a sunrise and a sunrise that never stops: once it has risen, it has risen. In fact it has always been there. We were just not aware of it. It is eternally there. The inner light is always there: it never rises, it never sets.

But metaphorically we can say it is a sunrise because the moment we become aware is the moment of the beginning for us at least.

Think of sannyas as a discontinuity with the past. Let the whole past be the night and let it be lost in the darkness of the night. It was all a dream. Now start a new style of life, the life of awareness.

Each gesture has its own significance. For example

Hitler made the fist his symbolic gesture. That represents violence

That represents the animal side of man. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- That too is a mudra, but the ugliest possible.

It is destructive.

Buddha sitting silently Represents a divine gesture.

And whatsoever he used to say to people Was at the same time

Also communicated by his hands.

If he was talking about love, his hands Were showing a certain gesture of love.

If he was talking about nirvana, then his hands Were showing something about nirvana.

Buddha is the first person

In the whole history of humanity

Who used body language to its utmost. Only now, recently, within twenty years

Scientists have started to discover body language. Without saying a word

The body goes on saying many things. You may be sitting with somebody Not saying a single word

But if you are not feeling good with his presence Your body is in a withdrawal posture.

It may not be possible to actually withdraw, Maybe you are sitting in a train or in a bus

And you cannot escape anywhere But your whole body will show

That you are leaning away from him. If you love the company of the person You may not say a single word

But your body will be leaning towards him. These are all unconscious gestures.

But when a Buddha uses his body as language They are all conscious gestures

They are all divine gestures.

The way he walks, the way he moves his hands The way he eats, are all divine gestures

They are all mudras.

And if one becomes conscious Of one's body language

It is a tremendous leap into meditation. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- So be conscious of your body language

Watch what your body is saying.

Start by being aware of the body

Then move towards a subtler awareness Of the mind

Then move to the even more subtle awareness Of feelings.

These are the three layers: body, mind, heart. And when you have become aware

Of all these three

Then you can take the ultimate jump And become aware of your being.

That is the fourth

That is self-realisation or god-realisation. To be a disciple

Is one of the greatest experiences in life Because it means dissolving yourself With the energy of your master

Losing yourself in something Which is far bigger than you.

It is like a river disappearing in the ocean. Tremendous love is needed

Only then can one gather enough courage.

Trust is needed, and not ordinary trust; Absolute trust is needed.

If it is not whole-hearted Then you will go only so far. And with a master

You have either to got totally or not at all; It is a question of either-or.

Those who go half-heartedly

Are cunning people, calculative people. They miss the whole opportunity.

By becoming a sannyasin You are becoming a disciple. This is the beginning

Of a great experiment in your life Of dropping the ego

Of dropping all attachments With your personality

Of dropping all your identity And moving into the unknown. Once you have moved

Once you have tasted the freedom of the unknown 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Then there is no problem.

Only the first step is the problem The second step follows easily.

The first is followed by the second Without any effort on your part.

The first step is the greatest problem Because the first step goes against All your past experience.

A disciple

Has to be ready to drop the whole past

And in fact there is nothing much in the past. We unnecessarily cling to it.

There is only misery, but still we think 'It is our past', so we go on carrying it. Just look -- what is there to carry?

What is there to cling to?

Seeing that there is nothing to cling to The past drops out of your hands Suddenly you move in the present.

And the master can be contacted only

In the present because he lives in the present He has no past and no future. Unless the disciple also lives in the present

There is no communion possible. Eighty Four Thousand Poems Chapter #17



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