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Chapter title: None

15 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004155 ShortTitle: 84POEM13 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only.]

Sannyas means to become consecrated to god Surrendered to god.

Sannyas means allowing god to live through you. You simply stand aside

You don't come in between, you don't hinder.

You open all the doors to the sun, to the moon To the wind, to the rain To all the messengers of god.

You are simply available to existence With your whole heart

Without holding anything back. In that very moment

When you are not holding anything back Prayer has happened.

In that very moment the ego is no more The barrier has fallen

And suddenly we are one with the whole. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- And to be one with the whole

Is bliss, is benediction.

To remain separate form the whole is misery Because it is not according to nature

It is not according to the fundamental law. It is not true -- that's why it creates misery. When we are one with the whole

We have accepted the truth and dropped the lie. To be true

Is enough to bring tremendous bliss to you. Peace is one of the most important things For a sannyasin to understand

And not only to understand but to be.

It has not to become

Only an intellectual understanding But an existential feeling --

You have to experience it. Mind is never at peace.

That is not its nature.

One cannot make the mind peaceful.

All that one can do is to slip out of the mind And get rooted in the heart. Suddenly there is peace.

If you try to make the mind peaceful You will create even more turmoil. Now this will be a new problem.

Already there are

A thousand and one problems in the mind. Now a new problem arises:

How to make all these problems disappear How to create peace.

Hence the people

Who become interested in creating peace of mind Become very unpeaceful

More unpeaceful than the ordinary human beings Who are never bothered about it.

That's why you will find in ordinary life Something of peace on people's faces

But the so-called religious seem to be very tense. Your so-called saints look very tense.

There is great anxiety, great turmoil. They are constantly living in a nightmare Of their own creation

Because they are trying to do the impossible. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- That is not the way to be peaceful.

You have to change the gestalt.

You cannot make the mind peaceful But you can slip out of it.

And the moment you slip out of it It loses energy.

It is your energy, it is your cooperation That keeps it going; you go on pedaling. The moment you slip out of it

And you move towards the heart

Suddenly there is peace, with no effort at all.

So my suggestions are totally different Than the ordinary ideas about peace.

One just has to get out of the mind. Meditation

Is not a method to make the mind peaceful, It is a method of getting out of the mind And entering into the heart.

Suddenly mind loses all turmoil Because you are no longer there To help it to go on running.

Without any energy it falls flat. Maybe for a few days it goes on Out of the old momentum

But it can't go on for long. And then you know the secret:

Whenever you want peace, exist in the heart. And if you want peace twenty-four hours a day Exist in the heart and use the mind from there. Then the mind is just a tool, an instrument

A beautiful machine in your hands. And you are the master.

Mind as a machine is beautiful

But when the machine becomes the master And the master is completely forgotten The real master completely forgotten Then the whole of life is topsy-turvy.

Everything is a gift.

Some unknown source of energy Call it god, Jehova, existence, nature Is very generous.

It seems it is overflowing.

It can't contain itself, it has to give Not because you deserve it 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- But because it has too much.

It is like a rain cloud, it has to shower. It does not matter where

Or whether the earth deserves it or not It may shower on a rock.

The rock will not be benefitted by it.

That's the meaning of the word 'gift'. It is a beautiful word

It has a great message in it.

If we start looking at it meditatively It can transform your whole life.

And that's what sannyas is all about.

Looking at life in its reality imply makes one feel grateful

To the unknown, to the unknowable. One bows down. That very bowing down, that gratitude

Makes one a sannyasin. And out of that gratitude

A thousand and one flowers bloom. Everyone is born bright

But sooner or later the whole structure

Of the society, the whole conditioning, is such That the brightness is destroyed, it is crippled It is covered with stupid superstitions.

The intelligent child

Finds it difficult to remain intelligent Because intelligence doubts, enquires, Argues, rebels.

Intelligence is individual.

Sometimes it says yes and sometimes it says no. Intelligence lives in its own light

It is not imitative

And the parents don't like that. They want the child

To be an imitator, a yes-sayer. Whatsoever they say

He should accept it with no argument. They know and he does not know

So they have to decide

What he has to do, what he has not to do. Hence the intelligent child


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Finds himself in a difficult situation.

If he wants to be intelligent He is constantly in trouble There is trouble in the home There is trouble in the school

There is trouble in the college In the university.

Wherever he goes there is trouble. Unless one is really courageous Enough to accept all these troubles

And yet to insist on remaining intelligent, Which is certainly very rare,

One is bound to compromise sooner or later. The whole pressure is too much.

The child is so helpless

The child is so small, so tiny

And the people who are pressuring him Are powerful people.

They force him to behave in an unintelligent way A way against his own intelligence.

Slowly slowly he forgets what intelligence is. He becomes dull.

The more dull he is, the more he is respected. If he is really stupid he becomes a saint.

People worship him. Jesus

Could not become a saint for the simple reason That he remained intelligent. He resisted all attempts

To destroy his intelligence Hence he was crucified.

But the pope in the Vatican Is not an intelligent man.

Polacks are not known to be intelligent! Now this is a beautiful combination:

A Polack and a pope.

In fact from now onwards Only Polacks should be popes. He is worshipped.

And that happens all over the world. My sannyasins have to be aware of it

And they have to REclaim their intelligence. It is still there

It is simply hidden behind much garbage. That garbage has to be removed

So you can again become bright 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- So that you can again claim

Another childhood, another innocence. That innocence brings purity

And that innocence brings joy

And that innocence brings insight into reality. It is not through knowledge

That one comes to know god It is through innocence.

It is not through belief

That one comes to know god It is through intelligence.

Tremendous intelligence is needed to know god. Excellence is a by-product of meditation Because intelligence itself

Is a by-product of meditation.

Ordinarily people behave in a very unintelligent way For the simple reason that They are living mechanically, unconsciously.

They are not masters of their being. But slaves of their instincts.

What excellence can they have?

They are not even men yet. It is only through meditation

That you start becoming a man

You start getting out of the animal kingdom. Something greater than the animal

Starts happening to you through meditation. On the one hand it makes you a human being On the other hand it brings great excellence In whatsoever you do.

The secret is

That meditation releases awareness in you. To me awareness is the only virtue

And unawareness the only sin. Learn to be aware

And all else will follow of its own accord. God has many aspects.

You can look at god through love Then god is love.

You can look through beauty Then god is beauty.

You can look through bliss

Then god is bliss.

It depends from what angle you look towards god. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- God is multi-dimensional

But bliss is one of the most fundamental aspects And bliss is the search for us all.

To be blissful is to be religious. And when your bliss is absolute You have arrived home.

Parijat is a beautiful flower With great fragrance.

Man is also a flower

But we are absolutely unaware of our potential. We are born as seeds, and unfortunately

We remain seeds. we never grow. We never grow to the point Where flowers can bloom in us.

To be a Buddha means to bloom as a flower To release one's fragrance.

Remember, we are born as seeds. But we should die as flowers.

Then life has been a beautiful experience Then life has been

A journey of tremendous fulfilment. Otherwise it is sheer wastage.

Meditation will help you to move From the seed towards the flower.

We are not the body and we are not the mind. We are pure consciousness

And pure consciousness is what god is. Sannyas is a journey

From the body-mind to pure consciousness. It is an inward pilgrimage

From the circumference to the centre. When you reach your own centre You are surprised:

You don't find yourself there at all You find god himself.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- He is not to be found anywhere else

He is just residing in you at your very centre Waiting for you to come home. Innocence

Is the most precious thing to be achieved Because it is only to the innocent heart That all that is valuable can happen.

To the cunning nothing happens. To the cunning love is impossible To the cunning bliss is impossible

To the cunning anything of value is impossible. To the cunning money is possible

Power is possible, prestige is possible. They are all valueless things.

Death destroys them all.

But to the innocent something happens Which even death cannot take away.

So this is the fundamental quality For a sannyasin: To be innocent. Jesus says: Be like small children. That's what he means:

Be innocent, then god is yours. Drop all cunningness, all cleverness

All knowledge, all that gives you the idea That you know.

Move towards god

With a wondering heart, with awe And then success is sure.

A ten -year old German girl receives her mala

and the sheet of paper bearing her sannyas name: Nirmala. It means purity, Osho explains.

He leans forward to expand on its implications, then pauses, chuckling involuntarily You are still pure!

Don't allow the world to destroy your purity. Don't allow the world to corrupt you.

Your sannyas will protect you.

The people who have become grown-up Are in a difficulty.

First they have to unlearn many things. You are in a good situation.

You need not unlearn anything

Because you have not learned anything yet. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- You can start moving directly towards god!

Eighty Four Thousand Poems

Chapter #14



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