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Chapter title: None

13 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004135 ShortTitle: 84POEM11 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only.]

Love is the door to the divine. It is the only way

To relate oneself to the ultimate.

But before you can know what love is

You have to go through many purifications Because what is ordinarily known as love Is not only love,

Many other things are mixed in it.

It is very much polluted, it is not pure. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Maybe one per cent of it is love

But ninety-nine per cent is something else. And that ninety-nine per cent

Is dominating, overpowering, overwhelming. The one per cent is crushed, destroyed

By that ninety-nine per cent.

One has to drop that ninety-nine per cent. There is so much jealousy in your love And jealousy is poison.

There is so much possessiveness in your love And possessiveness is destructive.

Love is a very delicate flower And to be possessive

Means throwing a rock on the flower. There is a deep desire to dominate the other It is very unconscious, but it is there

And it is very powerful.

Then love becomes just a facade and behind it You are just on an ego trip.

And the same is also the case

With the person with whom you are in love. So quarrel arises, fighting arises.

Both become destructive to each other. After a few experiences of love affairs

One becomes weary, tired. One starts feeling That love is the greatest nuisance in life.

One feels one's fingers are burnt One starts avoiding it.

That's what is happening in the West. People are going far more towards pure sex And avoiding love, because at least pure sex

Does not have that much trouble, it is simple. Of course it cannot take you to the heights But neither does your so called love

Take you to the heights. On the contrary

Your so-called love takes you to such hells. Sex cannot take you to such hells either.

It simply keeps you healthy.

It is hygienic, healthy, normal.

It keeps you a fit animal, that's all.

It has always happened in the past also:

Whenever a society allows freedom for love People become tired of love

Because in the name of love

So much ugliness starts happening that 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- People start leaning towards pure sex.

It seems more convenient, more comfortable With no risk.

It can be purchased easily. It is sellable, purchasable.

Love cannot be sold and cannot be purchased. It is not a commodity.

Sex is a commodity

It is part of our materialistic world. Either this happens or

Society becomes very repressive towards love And forces marriage upon people

So that they stick to one person

And that too not for love but for other reasons: For progeny, to give birth to children

So that they can take care of your properties When you are no more

And they can carry your name down the ages. Love is no more a consideration

Because people have become so afraid of it. People think of the family, of richness

Of culture, of education, of nobility, aristocracy And all kinds of things. They consult astrologers and palmists

But they don't think of love at all They avoid love.

They take everything else into consideration Except love -- that's what an arranged marriage is. So these two things happen again and again.

Whenever love is free

Whenever there is more freedom Society becomes tired of love.

People start moving towards sex.

Then sooner or later they become tired of sex too Because it is unfulfilling. Then they fall back upon the old patterns.

Again they forget the old lessons They decide to go into marriage.

This is how it moves in a vicious circle. India has completed th circle manu times

Because it is one of the most ancient societies. Many times it has seen freedom of love

Many times it has seen freedom of sex. Then a puritanical, repressive society Then again a rebellion.

And the same thing goes on and on.

But the reason, the basic reason nobody looks for. The basic reason is not love

The basic reason is that love 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Is mixed with other things.

We have to learn to drop those other things. Love is beautiful

Love is the greatest gift of god. But it is like a raw phenomenon.

It has to be polished, refined, cut. It is like a diamond:

Much has to be done before people can know Its beauty and its splendour.

And that's my whole work here:

To help you refine your raw love

Into a refined, polished, cultured phenomenon So that it can become

A source of upliftment for your soul

So that it can become a door to the divine. Compassion is the transformation of passion. Passion is using the other as a means

For your own fulfilment.

Compassion is sharing your being, your joy Your bliss, your love, with others

For the sheer joy of sharing

Because each individual is an end unto himself. No individual should be used as a means.

That is cruelty, that is animality.

Compassion is the highest form of your energy And passion, the lowest form of your energy.

The same energy passing through meditation Becomes compassion.

Meditation is the transforming force. And when a person lives in compassion He lives in pure love.

That is true prayer, true godliness. There is no other god than that purity

Which love brings, which compassion brings. God is only a symbol

That represents many beautiful things. Freedom, love, bliss, truth, compassion All that is valuable

All that has intrinsic value

Is represented by the name god. God is not a person at all 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It is the ultimate crescendo

Of all the beautiful qualities of life Of all the virtues, of all the values.

And compassion is one of the most important, The most significant parts,

To be evolved by the seeker.

Be friendly, be loving, be compassionate. Help in every possible way that you can And you will be helped.

And you will be helped a thousandfold!

-- What is the meaning of your name, Maji?

-- It came to me in a dream. It's good.

In Hindi 'maji' means the boatman, the ferryman One who takes you to the other shore.

Anand means bliss -- a blissful boatman. Everybody has to take himself to the other shore. He has to be a boat for himself.

He is the boat and he is the boatman too. They are not separate.

And once you have been to the other shore You can help others also.

Those who go to the other shore And never come back

And forget all about this shore Are called Arhatas.

Those who come back to help others To show the way

Are called Bodhisatvas.

They create bigger boats so many people Can be taken to the other shore.

When Buddha died

His religion was divided into two parts.

It was bound to happen because the Arhats Behaved in a totally different way.

They wouldn't help.

And the Bodhisatvas were so concerned For others, for their misery

That they were ready

To go make any sacrifice, to go through any suffering To help others. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- These two sections were known as Hinayana

The section that belonged to the Arhats

Was called Hinayana; the small boat people. The boat is so small, only you can sit in it You cannot carry anybody else in it.

And the other section was called Mahayana: The great boat people.

They created big ships

So thousands could be taken to the other shore. First become a boat for yourself

And then you can decide

Wether to come back to this shore Or forget all about it!

A beautiful name has come in your dream! The lion represents two things.

One: it never moves in a crowd.

It is always alone, it loves solitude.

It is an individual, utterly an individual. It is not like sheep.The sheep can exist Only with the crowd, with the mob.

Alone it is very frightened Alone it is very nervous.

It does not know what to do, where to go.

It depends on the crowd to be led, to be guided. And the irony is

That others are also dependent on the same crowd. So everybody is dependent on everybody else Thinking that others know better.

They all live in an illusion. But that's the situation

Of the ordinary human being too.

They live as part of the mob psychology They don't have their own psyche yet.

Hindu -- yes, Mohammedan -- yes, Christian -- yes But it is very rare to find an individual.

They can become Communistic very easily. That is another crowd.

My sannyasins have to be individuals. Each sannyasin has to depend on himself. That's why I am not giving

Detailed instructions to you

So you cannot depend on anything. You have to fall upon yourself.

Sometimes it looks cruel

But that's the only compassionate way to help: 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Unless you are thrown back again and again

You are not going to be an individual You will remain part of a crowd.

You can change crowds, that's not difficult. You can change your affiliations, your labels But the basic thing is missing:

You don't have an independent soul. The lion represents individuality.

And secondly

The lion represents immense courage. It never escapes from any challenge. It may die but

It will not turn its back.

It is better to die than to be a coward.

To be a coward is a far uglier phenomenon. Death is not ugly.

Death can be beautiful if you die courageously. If you die accepting a challenge

Joyously, dancingly,

As Socrates died, as Jesus died, as Mansoor died, It is one of the most beautiful phenomena On the earth.

Death depends on you.

If you are a coward even life is ugly What to say about death?

If you are courageous even death is beautiful What to say about life?

So remember these two things.

Be an individual and be absolutely courageous. That's the way of sannyas:

Individuality and courage. Unless one is ready to risk all One cannot find god.

God is freedom.

Freedom is another name for god And a far better name!

The priests have used god to create a slavery In people's minds. In the name of god

They have exploited humanity for centuries. Hence I insist again and again

That god is freedom, religion is freedom. And if anything makes you a slave

Then its not religion

And it has nothing to do with god. Let freedom be the criterion 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Always judge be freedom.

Whatever gives you freedom Will make you more religious. And whatever gives you freedom Will bring you closer to god.

And when you are capable of being totally free You become one with god. Hence in India we don't talk

About the ultimate as god, but as moksha. Moksha means absolute freedom.

Buddha never talked about god. Mahavira never mentioned god For the simple reason that they saw

What priests have done in the name of god.

They only talked about freedom.

So be free -- free from all traditions Free from all dogmas, free from all churches Free from all priests, scriptures

Free from all ideologies.

And start living in freedom -- that's sannyas. To live in freedom is sannyas.

-- What is the meaning of your name?

-- It's a short form of a name of a magic mushroom.

-- Mm! That's good. That's perfectly good! Now you will be an orange mushroom!

An orange mushroom becomes more magical, it becomes more psychedelic. Good, Swami Filpz -- be psychedelic!

Enjoy life like a drunkard.

And there is no higher psychedelic Than meditation.

There is no greater magic than meditation Because it releases your inner sources

Of tremendous joy, insight. It makes life colourful

It makes life a dreamland.

In fact it is because of meditation

And a desire for deeper experiences Of one's own being

That people are attracted to magic mushrooms And marijuana and hashish and alcohol.

And from the very ancient days, even in

The ancientmost scripture of the world, Rigveda They talk about a certain mushroom called soma.

And the ancient seers were mad about soma. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Aldous Huxley has said

When LSD is perfected totally It should be again called soma. His suggestion is beautiful.

But he was in an illusion:

He thought that by taking LSD

He was experiencing the same ecstasy

As Buddha experienced and Kabir experienced And Al Hillaj experienced.

There he was wrong.

It was not the same ecstasy. What he was experiencing

Was just a chemical imitation of it A chemical carbon copy of it.

It was a deception. It was not real gold. It was glittering like gold.

But it was not real gold.

Real gold has to be found within oneself. You cannot take it in from the outside.

And it is already there. Every being is born

With an infinite capacity to be ecstatic But we never search for it.

We always go for cheaper things. They are easier and available,

You can purchase them and you can inject them. Meditation seems to be a long long journey.

And we are in such a hurry.

Drop the impatient mind and search within And become as silent as possible.

You will come across a source of nectar in you Which is the greatest magic in

the world

Because it releases

The most miraculous experiences in you It opens the doors af all the mysteries.

Mind lives in time.

Mind divides reality into past, present and future. Mind functions like a prism.

A ray of light passing through a prism Becomes divided into seven colours. That's how the rainbow is created.

The rainbow is created by small raindrops Hanging in the air.

They function like a prism:


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Sunrays passing through those raindrops

Become divided. Otherwise sunrays are white. But once the white ray passes through a prism It goes through a great division, a great split.

It becomes seven.

In the same way mind functions like a prism. Eternity passing through the mind becomes time. It is divided into three:

Past present and future.

But the whole thing is illusory.

You cannot catch hold of a rainbow. It is empty, there is nothing.

So is time: time is empty, there is nothing.

One has to go beyond the mind to know the real. The real is eternal, the real is always now.

The real is never past, never future It is always present.

And that's the beauty of meditation: It brings you to the present.

Slowly slowly you settle into the present. You settle in your own being

So silently that you forget

All about the past and the future.

And this moment becomes so overwhelming So tremendously overwhelming

That there is nothing beyond it.

To know this moment's totality is to know god. To go beyond time is to go into god.

To remain in time is to remain in mind. Meditation means getting out of the mind. Mind is synonymous with no-time.

Get out of mind and time.

Rest and relax into the now and here So totally that nothing else is left:

No dust of the past, no smoke of the future. In that clarity, in that transparent clarity You become able to see that which is.

In fact god is an ancient symbol. G used to stand for that

O for which, and D for is.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It is a code word for that which is.

Eighty Four Thousand Poems

Chapter #12



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