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12 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004125 ShortTitle: 84POEM10 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only.]


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Love is a small word but it contains

The whole of religion and the whole of art. It contains all that is precious in life

All that is valuable.

That which is not contained in love Is not of any worth.

Let love be your religion, your god.

Worship love -- and the only way to worship love Is to be loving.

Be loving to everyone for no reason at all Just for the joy of loving.

Love the trees and the animals and the people The stars, the birds, the rocks.

This whole existence is our home And we are an intrinsic part of it.

It gives us so much and we don't respond. The moment you start loving it

You will be surprised:

Your love is returned in a thousandfold way. It starts pouring from all directions

And in all dimensions.

You are simply bathed every moment. It goes on and on showering.

Then life is a celebration.

And unless life becomes a celebration, remember You have not known life yet. It has to be discovered.

(Osho gives sannyas to a young blind woman) Premdevi means goddess of love.

In fact there is no other god except love. Love more and more, become love.

Love whatsoever surrounds you. Love yourself, love others.

Make it a point that every breath, slowly slowly Becomes full of the fragrance of love.

That is going to be your path to god. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- And don't be worried about the outer eyes,

They are insignificant

Love will open the inner eye

Which is the real eye because only through that Can god be seen. And you will be able to see god -- rest assured!

I cannot give that much guarantee To people who have outer eyes

Because they have a thousand and one distractions. You are fortunate, you have nothing to distract you. You can easily go in, you are already there.

While you are here enjoy the time as much as you can. Feel it as your home.

God does not exist

Unless your heart is full of love. Without love there is no bridge Between you and god.

So wether he exists or does not exist Makes no difference to you.

Hence the real problem

Is not wether god exists or not. The real problem

Is wether the bridge exists or not.

People go on talking about god, arguing about god. All those arguments are futile.

Exercises in utter futility.

The authentic seeker will create a bridge.

Love is the bridge between you and that which is, Whatsoever it is. God, nature, tao, dhamma, logos

The universe, existence... They are different names But the reality is the same. One thing is certain

That there is something that surrounds you: The vast universe.

One thing is certain

That it existed before we were born And it will exist when we are gone. What it is, there is no way to know

Unless love creates a bridge between you And the reality.

Only the heart full of love comes to know. Knowing does not happen through the head It happens through the heart


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Not through logic but through love.

Love has to be your path, your way, your practice. There are two paths and there are only two paths. Either one has to follow awareness

Or one has to follow love. Both reach the same goal

But they move through different territories. The path of awareness is a masculine path. The path of love is a feminine path:

It is far more beautiful, it is far more joyous. It is full of greenery

And many flowers bloom on the path.

The path of awareness is dry, more like a desert. But both reach the same point.

A few people love deserts.

Then it is perfectly good for them To follow the path of awareness.

Buddha follows the path of awareness. Jesus follows the path of love.

Both reach the same peak.

But if one can follow the path of love

Then why bother about going into a desert?

If it is impossible to follow the path of love Then only do I suggest the bitter pill. The path of love is a sugar-coated pill.

Wisdom is a by-product of meditation. It does not come through learning

On the contrary it comes through unlearning. Unlearn whatsoever you know.

First become completely empty through unlearning, Just a clean slat, and then suddenly

A writing starts appearing on your clean slate. And the handwriting is not yours -- it is god's! Suddenly from your own inner being

You start having new insights, new visions. And they are so fresh and so alive

That just to have them is to have The greatest treasure in the world. And those insights

Which arise within your own being

Are always right because they are not borrowed. They are coming from a source deeper than you Higher than you, far beyond you.

That wisdom liberates. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Knowledge becomes a bondage

Because it is borrowed. Wisdom liberates

Because it is your own inner nature. The only condition

That a seeker of truth has to fulfil is:

He should start with an absolutely empty mind With no belief, with no prejudice,

With no ideology.

Nothing should be accepted a priori. Everything should be experienced, lived, And only then accepted.

Those who believe never find truth. They are not seekers, they are believers; They deceive themselves.

Belief is a deception; and it is cheap. You don't have to do anything -- You can simply believe.

That's why millions of people believe, Only very few people seek.

But unless you seek you cannot find. Belief is the greatest barrier

In seeking and searching.

Drop believing, start experimenting.

And always start from a state of not-knowing And then truth is not far away.

But that basic condition has to be fulfilled. Patience

Is a fundamental quality of the seeker. Impatience is a barrier in the search.

You can't be in a hurry as far as god is concerned Because god lives in eternity, and hurry means You are counting minutes and seconds and hours.

That won't do.

If you want to know god, if you want to know truth You have to know the way of eternity.

That's why patience is needed.

Forget all about time, don't be in a hurry Don't be impatient. Wait. Wait lovingly With great expectancy but no expectation Full of joy that the guest


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- May be coming any moment.

But don't feel frustrated if he has not come yet. Keep everything ready to receive him.

Go on preparing. If he has not come

That simply means you are not yet ready. So there is nothing to feel frustrated about.

Just look around, prepare and prepare and prepare The moment your preparation is perfect

Your silence is perfect, your emptiness is perfect He comes -- immediately he comes!

A sannyasin has to be absolutely peaceful Amongst all the turmoil of the world

He has to be peaceful in the marketplace. Because I am against escapism.

It is easy to be peaceful in a monastery.

What else can you do there except be peaceful? But that peace is dead.

It is closer to impotence. Then if one is impotent

One can be a celibate very easily

In fact what else is he supposed to do? But not to be impotent and to be a celibate Is a totally different phenomenon.

My sannyasins have to live in the world They have to be part of the world

And yet utterly silent, peaceful.

The world is a great challenge if you can learn The art of being silent amongst all distractions.

Only then is your silence true, authentic, alive Can god come to you. God is life. A dead peace is absolutely worthless.

So be in the world but don't be of the world. Live in the world

But don't let the world enter in you.

Move, pass through the world, but remain unaffected. It is possible.

It is the greatest miracle but it is possible. And when it becomes possible

One knows for the first time what ecstasy is. Sannyas is not for the coward.

It is for the courageous one

Because it is going into your inner world.

No map exists and nobody can accompany you there. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- You will be alone, absolutely alone

And it is very dark there

At least in the beginning.

As you go deeper, it becomes lighter.

When you reach the very centre of your being It is full of light.

But the first experience

Is of immense darkness and aloneness:

No map, no friend, no companion. Courage is certainly needed.

So gather courage for the journey. Everybody has that much courage People just never use it.

The difference between the coward and the courageous Is not that the courageous has some quality

Which is lacking in the coward -- no. Both have the same qualities.

The coward does not use it And the courageous uses it.

And when you use a certain quality You become capable of using it more. When you don't use it

When it remains out of use for a long time

It gathers rust, it stops functioning. Our real being is in our innermost core It is not somewhere outside.

One need not go anywhere

One has simply to come back home. Sannyas is not a journey from here to there On the contrary

It is a journey from there to here.

We are already there and we have to be here We are always then and we have to be now.

So whether your mind starts moving somewhere Bring it back here.

When it starts moving to the past, to the future Bring it to the now. Remember these two words: 'now' and 'here'.

That is going to be your practice. Slowly slowly one starts living herenow

And that is the only way we can meet god Because he is always herenow

And we are never herenow.

The moment we are also herenow 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- The meeting happens, is bound to happen.

Madhav is one of the names of Krishna. Krishna is one of the rarest human beings Who has walked on the earth,

One of the very few enlightened persons. But literally it means the sweet one.

Krishna has been called Madhava

Because the words of an enlightened person are sweet, they are pure poetry

Because they come from his inner silence.

Even though they may not have the form of poetry Their spirit is poetic Their very essence is poetic

Their soul is poetic.

And they are as sweet as honey Because they quench the thirst The eternal thirst for truth.

They are a nourishment.

Become silent, so silent that your inner being Also explodes into eighty-four thousand poems

Of peace, love, sweetness, joy, ecstasy. My sannyasins have to be poets

Not literally but metaphorically.

Not that they have to compose poetry But that they have to live poetry.

They have to make life a graceful art They have to live it skilfully.

People live in a very gross way.

With anger, with jealousy, with possessiveness With ego, how can you be a poet? You can be a murderer but you can't be a poet.

And even if you write poetry Your poetry will be full of blood. One should remove

All these gross elements from one's being Because they are destroying so much energy Wasting so much opportunity.

All these energies should be transformed Into songs, into joy, into love, into peace. Then life becomes poetry.

Then it is a sheer joy to be. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Just to be is more than one can ask for

Just to breathe is enough proof that god exists Because each single breath Brings so much ecstasy with it.

Life becomes such a harmony and melody Such a dance

That one cannot believe it is possible. One can believe it only when it happens. I say it to you on my own authority

I have experienced life that way

I am experiencing it that way every moment. And I would like you also to experience it

In the same way.

Become more meditative and it will happen. It is bound to happen, it is inevitable.

Eighty Four Thousand Poems

Chapter #11



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