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1 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004015 ShortTitle: 84POEM01 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only.]


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It is impossible to express the ultimate truth.

It is like a taste. If you have tasted, you know If you have not tasted There is no way to convey it.

A man who has not tasted honey cannot be made To know what sweetness is.

The man who has never seen light is incapable Of understanding anything said about light.

The person who has known and experienced

Even he finds it almost impossible to express it Because language falls very short.

The experience is so vast And language is so small. The experience is so sacred And language is so mundane

That there is no possibility of any bridging. Hence truth has been known many times And all those who have known

Have tried to express it But they have all failed.

We are grateful that they tried

Because out of that effort life has been enriched. We have beautiful scriptures: the sayings of Zarathustra, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Buddha

Are so beautiful, so precious That without them there would Have been no humanity

We would have been utterly poor. But howsoever beautiful they are They have not been able to express it.

And they all say that they have failed. They have tried with their heart

They have tried in thousands of ways In every possible way.

Buddha spoke for forty-two years continuously But again and again the same cul-de-sac.

Something seems to be elusive, it escapes. Just this morning

I was reading a Zen master, Sotoba. The day he experienced truth

The day he became enlightened He wrote these beautiful lines:


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- 'The mountain -- Buddha's body

The torrent -- his preaching.

Last night, eighty-four thousand poems. How, how make them understand?'

The experience is so vast

As if eighty-four thousand poems

Have suddenly arisen in you.

And you cannot express even a single poem! He says, 'How, how make them understand? Every awakened person has felt

A tremendous compassion for people And he has tried his best.

But something in the very experience Is such that it cannot be expressed.

If one wants to know it One has to experience it.

Truth can only be an experience. Then certainly

Eighty-four thousand poems arise in you. You are full of stars, full of flowers

But absolutely incapable of transferring it To anybody.

It is untransferrable, it cannot be taught. But those who are alert

They can catch a glimpse of it.

It cannot be taught but it can be caught. And that's the whole purpose

Of being a sannyasin:

Being here around me to catch something Which I cannot teach.

This is a beginning

The beginning of a new life The beginning of a new vision

The beginning of a new way of being.

You will have to drop much, you will have To disconnect yourself from all that is gone, From the past.

Don't carry it any more.

It is an unnecessary burden

It hinders growth, it paralyses.

Slowly slowly it becomes such a mountain That one is crushed underneath the mountain. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- One should be capable of dying to the past

Every moment so that it is never accumulated. That's the path of sannyas

Dying to the past every moment

So that you are always young and fresh and alive So that you are always present in the present.

To be present in the present Is to be present before god.

The first birth is an ordinary birth.

It is only the birth of the body-mind, Physiological, biological.

The second birth happens through meditation. Then the spirit is born

Then one becomes a soul. And that is the real birth One becomes twice-born.

Remember that sannyas is not something formal. It has to be such a deep commitment

Such an absolute surrender of the ego That it gives you a new birth

That you are no more the same

That you become discontinuous with your past. A new being arrives.

Man is born only as an opportunity.

He has great potential But remember

A potential is only a potential.

It has to be transformed into a reality It has to be actualized.

And great effort is needed. It is an uphill task.

One has to be industrious. One cannot attain to bliss By just hoping for it.

Just desiring it is not enough.

You have to put all your energies to the task. And it is the greatest achievement of life Hence it needs your total commitment.

Less than that won't do.

Love is the greatest, the suprememost religion. It is the very essence of religion.

If one is loving then nothing else is needed No church, no temple, no dogma

No creed, no scripture. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Love contains all.

Love itself becomes the greatest temple And the greatest scripture.

My effort here is to help you

To become more and more loving. I don't want you to be Christians Or Hindus or Mohammedans.

All those ugly things have to be forgotten. Humanity has suffered much

Through those ideas.

Love -- that is the message of Christ And that is the message of Buddha And that is the message

Of all the awakened ones.

The religion of love needs no priests. And the religion of love needs nobody To teach you what it is.

We all have an intrinsic feel for it. Nobody teaches anybody what love is

In fact it cannot be taught

But everybody knows what love is.

Yet very few people make it their religion. It remains just a fragment of their life.

Let it become the center of your life. Your whole life should be coloured by it. Then god is yours.

You need not go in search of him He will come in search of you.

To me goodness, or virtue, is not something moral

It has something to do with meditation Not with morality.

It is a by-product of meditation. The more silent you are

The more aware you are

The more meditative you are The more virtuous you become Without any cultivation

Of virtue on your part.

Virtue comes of its own accord.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Morality is a cultivation of virtue

And a cultivated virtue is not virtue. It is only a facade, a pseudo coin.

It can deceive others

But it can't help you in an inner revolution.

In fact, it makes you a hypocrite one thing on the surface

And just the opposite inside. Meditation functions

In a totally different way than morality. Meditation starts form your very centre. It is not concerned at all with virtue

It is concerned with awareness.

But the miracle is, when you are aware

You can't do wrong, you can't harm anybody You can't be cruel, you can't be violent.

When you are aware you are naturally loving Naturally compassionate, naturally non-greedy.

And when these things happen Naturally, spontaneously

They have a beauty of their own. My sannyasin has to be virtuous Not through morality

But via meditation.

It is only through awareness

That one becomes noble, one attains to glory That one comes to know the splendour of life. Otherwise life is a drag. Otherwise life

Is nothing but a long long boredom. It is a suffering.

But it is our responsibility If it is a suffering.

We can change it into a blissing.

All that is needed is that we should bring three kinds of awareness to our life.

The first is about our actions,

That is the outermost circumference of our life. The second is about our thoughts,


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- That is a little closer to the inner world.

The third is about our feelings, That is still more close to the inner.

And the fourth is awareness of our being. The three you have to practise

The fourth happens of it own accord. When the three are fulfilled

The fourth is the reward.

There are only two possibilities open in life. One is what is known as politics.

Ut us ab effort to rule others It is ugly, violent.

The very idea of dominating someone is inhuman. The very idea of possessing people

In your power, in your grip, is to destroy them. It is to reduce them to things.

Hence there is nothing more ugly Than power politics.

And all politics are power politics,

There is no other kind.

The other alternative is religion.

It is an effort to be a master of oneself Not to be a slave of unconscious forces Instincts, biological urges, emotions.

Man is a slave.

So many unknown, unconscious forces. He goes on thinking that he is the master. That is very ego-fulfilling.

But he is not.

When anger arises, are you the master? Con you turn it off.? Can you say no, and it disappears?

Or when thoughts are moving in your mind Can you turn the whole process off?

Is it in your power to turn it on or off? Or are you just a victim?

You cannot even get rid of a dream What to say of anything else?

If it persists, it persists.

One of the great Russian novelists, Turgenyev Suffered for his whole life from a single dream.

And a man of the quality of Turgenyev is rare He was very intelligent.

In fact, if you try to find

ten great names in literature in this century 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- You will have to find a place for Turgenyev.

One out of ten great names of this century As far as literature is concerned

is bound to be his.

He has written a few of the greatest works But he could not get rid of a single dream! And he tried hard. It became a nightmare.

It was a simple dream, but very nightmarish.

Every night in his dream he would see a vast desert, unending

As far as he could see, just desert And nothing else

Not enen a single tree

No Shade, no shelter, no oasis.

And two feet, not the whole man just two feet

With no shoes on, walking, going towards the horizon And this would go and on. It became a torture to him.

But it depicts his life

And the life of millions of people. It depicts life as a desert4rt.

As people live it, it is futile, meaningless Utterly absurd, ridiculous.

People are going, but not knowing where. They go on and on

For the simple reason theat they cannot stop They don't know how to stop.

There seems to be no break in their mechanism Just an accelerator

So they go on accelerating. And the second thing it says is

That man is not whole, just parts Just legs walking, head thinking Hands doing something else.

There is no co-ordination. Man is not a unity. So the head may be dong one thing

And the legs may be doing something else Just the opposite.

One hand may be compassionate your other hand may be cruel.

With one hand you may be creative With the other you may be destructive. But the dream persisted

And the more he tried to get rid of it 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- The more impossible it became.

Nobody could help him.

A simple thing would have helped him:

If he had enjoyed it, it would have disappeared! But because he was antagonistic, afraid

The whole day he was afraid

Constantly thinking that the night was com ing And the dream would occur. So he was hypnotized g himself the whole time.

For twenty-four hours a day he was talking to people; About his dream and how to get rid of it.

He was so obsessed,

That very obsession was its root cause. Man is just a victim

Of so many unconscious forces. One can become a master

But then one has to transform one's unconscious Into a conscious phenomenon. That's the whole purpose

Of sannyas and meditation.

It is an alchemy, a simple method

To bring more awareness to your being. The more aware you are

The more you are a master. When you are fully aware

You have attained to the kingdom of god. There is nothing more divine than light. Light is a scientific name for god

God is a poetic name for light But they are really synonymous.

We are born of light, we are made of light. The whole existence consists of light

And nothing else.

Except for light all is unreal. To know it is to be transformed To know it is to be enlightened. When there is no darkness There is no fear, no death.

The devil exists only in darkness Ti is another name for darkness.

And because we are living with closed eyes 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- We are living in darkness.

Open your eyes and all is full of light. Sannyas is a process of opening your eyes. Not only the outer but the inner too.

The ultimate sound is heard only When the mind is completely silent. It is the sound of silence.

It is silence dancing, it is silence vibrating. To hear it is the goal of all meditation.

ONce you have heard it

You are transformed into a totally new being Transmuted in a new dimension.

You are no more a mind, you become a no-mind. And that is the most beautiful experience

To be a no-mind, to be utterly silent. But that silence is not dead

It is so musical that all music is nothing but noise. Make every effort to be silent

So that you can hear the ultimate sound. It is this sound

That the Bible talks about

In the beginning was the word,

The Word was with god and the word was god. To translate it as word is wrong

It would have been far more true and closer To truth if it were translated as sound:

In the beginning was sound. Or even silence

Would have been better than word. 'Word' is not the right word.

The people who were writing the Bible

Must have experienced the tremendous silence That comes out of meditation.

Life is full of divine glory But we are unconscious. We are so deeply asleep

That we go on missing the glory of it.

It is the most perfect existence possible, 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- The most beautiful, the most magnificent.

It cannot be improved upon. But we are asleep

Hence we cannot have any connection with it. It is as if it is spring

And the trees are flowering And the birds are singing

And the wind is dancing through the trees And you are asleep.

You will not know the sunrays coming to you Through the trees

And the beautiful patterns They are creating around you.

You will not see the flowers, their colours. You will not see the dance

Of the trees and the wind.

You will not even know that you are in a garden! You will have no connection with the spring.

You will be enclosed within yourself. You may be having a nightmare

And you may be suffering in your nightmare. You may be suffering in your nightmare.

You may be screaming, crying and weeping. It has no relationship with the reality Surrounding you.

That's exactly the situation of man. Existence is always in spring

But one has to be awake

To know it, to feel it, to live it.

And once you have tasted of the joy That surrounds you, you are religious Because great gratitude arises in you

And thankfulness and prayer. Eighty Four Thousand Poems Chapter #2



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