Don’t Bite My Finger, Look Where I’m Pointing
Talks given from 1/3/78 to 31/3/78 Darshan Diary
Talks given from 1/3/78 to 31/3/78 Darshan Diary
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 1 1 March 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [Osho initiates the new baby of a sannyasin.] Deva means divine, sangam means meeting. Each child is a meeting of the sky and the earth. Each child is a miracle. Something happens that should not ordinarily happen: the meeting of matter and consciousness, the meeting of the visible and the invisible. So think of him as a miracle....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 10 11 March 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Maya means illusion, veet means beyond – beyond illusion. Maya in itself is not good. Maya means that which only appears but is not; it is an hallucination. The English word ‘magic’ comes from this root ‘maya’... Veet Maya – it means one who has gone beyond illusion, mm? Good, Maya! Nirguno means the formless, the attributeless, the quality-less....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 11 12 March 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Anand means bliss or blissfulness; iti means this or thisness – this is it. Bliss is not far away, it is close by; not even close by but within you, not even within you: you are it. The mind always thinks of that; the existence is this. The mind always desires the far away, the distant, and hence it goes on missing; it becomes too obsessed with the far away....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 12 13 March 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Prem means love, lali means redness – redness of love. Red represents life, it represents blood, it represents passion. It is not only the colour of the flowers, it is not only the colour of the rising sun; it is also the colour of rising consciousness, of blooming consciousness. It is not only the colour of blood and the blood circulation; it is the colour of life flowing, circulating, moving....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 13 14 March 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [Osho gives sannyas to someone.] Come here! Close your eyes. Just listen to the sounds, all the sounds – the flute, the dog barking – and if something starts happening in your body, any shaking, trembling, swaying, go with it. If your breathing changes, you allow it. Listen.… Chandra means the moon. The moon represents a few things....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 14 15 March 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [A sannyasin and her young son are present. She says: It’s very difficult for me – I feel he is very strong and I don’t feel strong at all. I don’t know what to do in certain situations.] Let him be strong! Why should you be worried about his strength? It is good. He has to be strong and the mother has to be soft....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 15 16 March 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Aseem means the unbounded, the infinite. Start living in the infinite, because that is our true reality. The idea that we are finite is just an idea, it does not correspond to reality; hence it creates much misery. Once you start thinking of yourself as finite you are constantly in struggle with the infinite....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 16 17 March 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Swanirodha. Swa means self, ego, nirodha means cessation – cessation of the self. And the only problem is the self; all other problems are by-products of it. People go on becoming too concerned about other problems. They try to solve them, but they cannot be solved because they are not the real problems... just by-products, shadows....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 17 18 March 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [Osho gives someone sannyas.] Come here! Close your eyes, and just feel me. Feel surrounded by my energy, and open all the doors, all the windows. If your breathing wants to change, allow it to, because with the change of feeling, the breathing changes, and unless the breathing changes, the feeling can’t change. So simply allow the change if any comes....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 18 19 March 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Sindhu means the ocean. The small is beautiful, but the small is not really small; the small is big. Every atom contains the whole universe and every drop, the ocean, because only one exists – in the drop, in the ocean. Only the form is different, the content is not. Even in the smallest grass leaf, the earth and the clouds and the sun and the far-away stars, are contained....