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Chapter title: None
21 January 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8001215 ShortTitle: RAFTER21 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
This is your name: Ma Anand Bettina. Anand means blissful, bettina means consecrated to god.
Man can worship god either out of misery or out of bliss, either out of fear or out of love. But the person who worships god out of misery and fear remains unbridged. His approach is basically wrong. He will never find god. And if he ever goes find god it will be his own creation, it will not be the true god. It will be just his mind-projection. He will create it because he is in such misery, lonely, fearful. It will be an invention, not a discovery.
God can be discovered only when you approach it in the right mood, blissfully, out of love. Then one is bridged. Then god is not far away. And then you need
not project, you discover. You come to know the true god.
And one can be consecrated only out of love, not out of fear. But for thousands of years man has lived out of fear and the priests have exploited man's fear, his loneliness.
My work is to help you understand that you are not to start your journey out of fear, otherwise the first step has gone wrong, and when the first step goes wrong, everything goes wrong. Go in search out of joy, go in search cheerfully, playfully. God is not the enemy, one need not be afraid of him. We belong to him, he belongs to us. We are part of each other. We are part of him, he is part of us.
This is your name: Ma Prem Luisa. Prem means love, luisa means victory.
Love is the only way to be victorious. Everything else is bound to fail except love. Money fails, power fails, prestige fails. Finally they all prove stupid games. In the last reckoning only love succeeds, but love succeeds for a very strange reason: it succeeds because it does not want to succeed. It becomes victorious because it is not interested in victory at all; on the contrary it wants to be defeated by god.
Love is ready to surrender, not to fight. Love means dropping your quarrelsome attitudes. Love means the total acceptability of existence as it is, accepting not out of resignation but out of deep understanding.
If one tries to watch and understand, this existence is the most perfect one possible. It cannot be improved upon. Its beauty, its joy, its glory, are unsurpassable. One can only feel grateful that one is alive.
One can only be thankful. And out of that thankfulness prayer grows.
Prayer is surrender, surrender to the infinity, surrender to the wide wide sky, surrender to this eternity.
But in surrender the miracle happen, one becomes victorious. This is the greatest paradox of life: those who want to be victorious are bound to be defeated and those who are willing to surrender are inevitably victorious.
This is your name: Ma Deva Liv. Deva means divine, liv means life.
Life is divine, life is godly, life is another name for god. But we have been told just the opposite. We have been told that life has to be renounced, negated, that life is something against god, that we have to turn our back towards life, only then can we face god. That utter nonsense has been perpetuated for so long that is has almost become a truth. The whole humanity has become hypnotized by it.
Hypnosis is nothing but an are of repeating the same thing again and again and again, so that slowly slowly it goes on sinking deep into you. Any untruth repeated long enough starts appearing to be true. And that's what has happened. Down the ages the priests have been condemning life, making people life- negative. Anything that belongs to life has been condemned a sin, and the saintly person is one who has renounced all life. He is almost dead, only then is he saintly. He commits a slow suicide, then we say about him that he is a great saint.
My work is difficult. It is difficult because it goes against the hypnosis of the centuries. God is not against life, in fact there is no other god except life. God is only a metaphor for life. To me the holy person 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
is one who lives life totally, wholly, one who loves life, rejoices in it, one who is absolutely dedicated to life, committed to life, to all that it contains, to all that it implies.
Nothing is mundane, everything is sacred. And this whole existence is the temple. Wherever we are, we are on sacred earth and whatsoever we are doing, we are doing god's work. Even the sinner is as much in god as the saint.
This has to be proclaimed from the housetops, that to love life is true religion. To worship life should be the essential core of a religious consciousness.
My sannyasins have to be life-affirmative. Their method to come to god is not renunciation but rejoicing.
This is your name: Swami Prem Rudolf. Prem means love. Rudolf has two
meanings; one is the loyal one, the other is the courageous one. But both are symbolic meanings.
Literally rudolf means the wold, but the wold does have these tow qualities. It is very loyal, it knows how to love, it knows how to sacrifice out of love, it can be trusted, it is never disloyal. And the second quality is also in the wolf, it is courageous. It is not a coward.
Sannyas needs both qualities. You have to be loyal, trusting, faithful. These are the qualities of the heart.
Only through these qualities does the heart grow. Only in this context can the heart blossom. It needs the atmosphere, the climate of loyalty. Trust is like a spring for the heart.
And sannyas also needs courage, great courage, because by becoming a sannyasin you are moving beyond boundaries, the boundary of being a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu, a Mohammedan, the boundary of being white or black, the boundary of the ind itself, the boundary of the body too.
Sannyas means knowing 'I am neither the body nor the mind,' And it is only in that knowing that the fragrance of love arises out of you. If you are attached to the body identified with the body, whatsoever you call love is not love, it is another name for sexuality. If you are identified with the mind then your love is nothing but lust.
When these identities are broken and you start seeing yourself as a pure consciousness, just consciousness and nothing else, then love arises from the very center of your being like a flame, an eternal flame. And those ate the greatest moments of life.
Sannyas simply creates the fight space for love to happen. Sannyas is the method, love is the goal.
This is your new name: Ma Sanatan. Sanatan means eternal, timeless, deathless.
These are our real qualities. We are never born and we never die. The body is only a shelter, we are not it. It is only like a garment which one has to change
when it is too old. And we have changed the garment so many times. We differ from other people only if the form and the shape and the color and the size of the garment. The innermost reality is the same.
To find it, to find that which is never born and never dies, is the real goal of all religious enquiry. One can call it god, liberation, nirvana, enlightenment. They are different names for the same phenomenon. And it is not to be searched for somewhere else, it is within you. It is you, so you have to dive deep into your own nature.
Sannyas is a pilgrimage from the periphery to the center, from your own surface to your depth.
This is your new name: Ma Premsindhu. Premsindhu means ocean of love.
Man is born with that potential, he can become an ocean of love. But very few people attain their total potential. They never become even aware of what they are carrying within themselves. They remains seeds, they never become flowers. Their potential dies, it never becomes actual.
Sannyas is the process of self-actualization. Whatsoever is hidden has to become manifest, and whatsoever is possible has to be made real. Nothing has to be left as a seed. Then man has multi-dimensional possibilities. In his small body he contains the whole sky.
The heart is small but its capacity to love is infinite. But the society, the people, the culture, the civilization, the church, the state -- they are all against the individual. The individual seems to be the enemy.
They destroy the individual, they sacrifice the individual for the sake of the collective. And the collective does not need any live, the collective needs, on the contrary, more hatred.
The Christians have to hate the Mohammedans, the Mohammedans have to hate the Hindus, the Hindus have to hate the Christians and so on, so forth... because the collective can remain together only if it hates 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
somebody. It needs a common enemy. One nation needs to hate other nations, otherwise it will start falling apart. The greater the hatred, the more the integrated the nation becomes integrated, cemented. That's why in times of war counties become very united. When the war is there no more they start quarrelling within themselves.
Adolf Hitler has written in his autobiography MEIN KAMPF, that if there is no real enemy of your country, create false enemies. Always keep the people aware that they are in danger, because only when they feel that they are in danger are they together. The moment they feel that there is no danger they start quarrelling amongst themselves, fighting amongst themselves. Then their small things start taking great proportions.
Collectivities live out of hate, hence they have to destroy all possibilities for love. The individual can grow only through love and the collectivity needs more and more hate; hence there is a conflict between the interests of the individual and those of the collective mob, the mass, the crowd.
One has to be very watchful not to be exploited by the crowd. One has to be very intelligent, alert so that one can save one's potential. It is in constant danger because everybody is against it. and unless you are very very alert you are bound to lose this great opportunity -- of life, of growing up, of becoming mature, of attaining to the highest peak that was your birthright.
Dance Til the Stars Come Down From the Rafters
Chapter #22
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