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Chapter title: None

17 January 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8001175 ShortTitle: RAFTER17 Audio:

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No 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]

This is your name: Swami Anand Jochen. Anand means rejoice. Jochen means appointed by god.

Each person is appointed by god. No one is accidental. Everybody has to fulfil a certain destiny, everybody has to attain a certain realization, everybody has to deliver a certain message. It is not only that Moses and Buddha and Jesus and Mohammed are the messengers of god, everybody is. They know it, others don't know it -- that's the only difference.

To be a sannyasin means deliberately, consciously, becoming a messenger of god, becoming available to him so that he can fulfil whatsoever he wants, withdrawing all our desires so that we don't interfere, withdrawing ourselves

totally, so that we become just like a hollow bamboo flute so that he can sing his song.

This is your name: Swami Samarpan Philip. Samarpan means surrendered and Philip means a strong spirit. On the surface it will look like a contradiction in terms. It is not so. It is one of the deepest fundamental laws of life.

Those who are surrendered to God become victorious. Those who are surrendered to God become tremendously strong because the inexhaustible sources of God are theirs. Those who are not surrendered --

they are poor, they are weak, they are impotent. The surrendered person can become omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, because the moment you disappear you become one with the whole. Then all the stars are within you, then you are as vast as the universe.

It is the ego that keeps us small, tiny, mean. The moment the bubble of the ego is burst we are one with the whole. That oneness is the real strength, the real power. It does not belong to you, remember, it belongs to God. All that is real belongs to God and all that is unreal belongs to you. You are unreal -- you are a separate entity. You also become real when you are no more separate from God. That is the meaning of surrender: the river disappearing in the ocean.

Sannyas is the art of surrendering; surrendering the ego and all other utilities that cling to the ego.

This is your name: Swami Prem Bengt. Prem means love. Bengt means blessed by god.

Love is always blessed by god and always condemned by the society. The society is against love, god is for love; hence deep down the society is against god. It pretends to be religious but it is only a facade. The religion that exists in the society is a Sunday-religion, a formality, something very pseudo, phony.

The real religion is totally different. But the moment you are really religious the society is absolutely against you because you become a danger to the society -- to the state, to the church, to all the vested interests, to all the powers that are exploiting, oppressing people.

Jesus was pure love. He was blessed by god, but crucified by the society. Love is

always crucified by the society. And society has created por substitutes for love -

- marriage, etcetera. Those are just plastic substitutes to keep you engaged, toys to keep you occupied so that you don't feel the need for real love. But real love is a totally different phenomenon, and it is not ordinarily available unless you raise the level of your consciousness.

To attain to real love you have to go through many transformations, because love is the ultimate flowering of your consciousness. It is no ordinary phenomenon. That it happens is a miracle. That it happens is magic, but whenever it does happen blessings shower on you from god.

Jesus is blessed even in his death -- and other people are not blessed even while they are alive. He is blessed even when he is carrying his own cross -- and other people are not blessed, not at all, they know nothing of blessings. They have all the money the world can give and the power and the prestige, yet they are empty, hollow. There is nothing inside them, just a darkness, the darkness of a grave. Deep down they are dead.

It is love that brings life, it is love that stirs life. And god blesses life, god cannot bless death.

My religion consists simply of love. Love more and more, love unconditionally, love for the sheer joy of 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


loving and there is no need to go to any church or any temple, no need to repeat any stereotype formulas, no need to repeat any rotten prayers. Just love and you will be prayer. Love and one day suddenly you will see that a door has opened and god has entered into your life.

This is your new name: Swami Deva Anuragi. Deva means god, anuragi means a lover -- a lover of god.

God is not available through thinking, he is available only through feeling. One cannot connect oneself with god through the head. The only possible bridge is

through the heart. One can argue for years or for lives, but one will not come to any conclusion about god. Logic is not in that direction, that dimension. It is not logic but love that brings you to a conclusion. In fact logic never brings one to any conclusion, it goes around in circles. Love takes a quantum leap and immediately arrives at a conclusion. It is not through a process, it is intuitive, it is sudden.

God has disappeared from the world for the simple reason that love has disappeared, and god cannot be brought back to the world unless we start creating more and more vibrations for love, unless we change the milieu that exists on earth today, the atmosphere, the neo-sphere. It is very logical, scientific, but it is absolutely anti-god. Even those who believe in god believe only through logic. And to believe in logic is not to believe at all, it is worthless. Unless it is a love affair, a mad, mad love affair, it means nothing.

I teach the madness that love brings and the sanity that love brings. They are the same thing, two sides of the same coin. The world will think you insane, and those who know, they will think you sane.

This is your new name: Ma Aradhan. Aradhan means prayer, worship.

Prayer has to be something absolutely individual. It has to be spontaneous, it has not to be learned. A learned prayer is a false prayer. Then you are repeating like a parrot. It is meaningless, senseless -- empty words. But when a prayer arises in your heart, when it has something of you in it then it has tremendous significance. Then it is not a tale told by an idiot, full of fury and noise, signifying nothing. It has tremendous meaning and music.

One has to learn to communicate with existence. Talk to the stars, talk to the rivers, talk to the trees, talk to the rocks. And don't feel embarrassed because this is how god has manifested himself. Everything that is, is a manifestation of god. Start communication with the manifest god and only then one day will you be able to communicate with the unmanifest. Start with the visible and then you can take a quantum leap into the invisible. Talk to the earth, to the grass.

It may not look religious at all in the beginning, but just saying hullo to a tree has something beautiful in it, something spiritual, something holy, because you recognize the spirit of the tree, you recognize the presence of the tree, you don't ignore it. And if a person can learn only one thing -- not to ignore god in all his

manifestations -- then ignorance disappears and wisdom arises, arises from your innermost core.

This is your new name: Ma Vijayo. Vijayo means victory.

Sannyas is a strange victory. It is victory through surrender. It is victory through let-go. It is victory through dropping the very idea of being victorious. It is action without action, effort without effort, victory without conquest.

The very idea of fighting and conquering is ugly. The part cannot win against the whole. It is utterly stupid. The part can only win with the whole, through the whole. The part can only win if it allows the whole to win through it -- allowing god to function through you, letting his will be your will, not having any separate will of one's own, not having any separate goal, destiny of one's own, moving with the whole in total accord, flowing with the whole wherever it leads.

In that let-go all fear, anxiety, anguish, disappears. and when there is no fear there is love, and when there is no anguish there is joy. And when you are no more separate there is no death.

Man never really dies. Nothing dies. The very idea that we are separate creates, as a by-product, the phenomenon of death. In the first place the idea of being separate is false and so is death, its by-product.

Death is one of the most false things in existence, but it looks very real if the ego is there; it is the shadow of the ego. Drop the ego -- and dropping the ego is the beginning, the beginning of a tremendously significant pilgrimage. And in the very first step, you have arrived. The first step is the last step. In dropping the ego one becomes victorious.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Dance Til the Stars Come Down From the Rafters

Chapter #18



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