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Chapter title: None
13 January 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8001135 ShortTitle: RAFTER13 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
This is your name: Swami Anand Daan. Anand means rejoice. Daan means god is my judge. And that is one of the most fundamental things to remember: we can rejoice only because god is our judge.
When love is the judge one need not be afraid because love knows how to forgive. Love cannot punish, it can only reward. It is large enough, it is wide enough. It is not mean, it cannot be mean. God is love, so there is no fear, no need to fear. One can rejoice in one's very ordinariness. One need not be a saint. One can be absolutely normal, ordinary if one remembers 'God is my judge.' Then there is no reason to live out of fear.
For centuries religious people have lived out of fear. They pray our of fear, they worship out of fear, they fast out of fear, they do all kinds of penances out of fear. But whenever you do something out of fear it never brings freedom. When you do something out of love, it brings freedom.
God is love, hence you can respond in a loving way. And when love is in judgement, then all is to be forgiven. Saints and sinners, all to be forgiven. Neither are virtues going to be more valuable nor are sinners going to suffer.
God is not an ordinary judge, hence rejoice. Rejoice in your ordinariness, and that very rejoicing 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
changes the quality of your life. It becomes extraordinary.
My effort here is not to make saints out of you. My effort here is to make blissful people, people who are able to rejoice, people who are capable of celebrating.
This is your name: Swami Anand David. Anand means bliss. David means a friend. Be a blissful friend to existence, not in conflict, not in any struggle.
We are brought up in such a way that we go on fighting with life consciously and unconsciously. We are taught that life is our enemy. Our very blood is poisoned by society. We have to conquer, and that is such a nonsensical thing -- the very idea of conquering life and existence -- because the part cannot conquer the whole. The part can only dissolve into the whole. Yes, victory is a surrender. One becomes victorious not against the whole but with the whole. The whole is always victorious, and the part if in conflict is always doomed to fail.
My teaching is based on love, on friendship. Be in a love affair with existence, with the trees and the rocks and the people, just in a deep love relationship. And friendship is the highest fragrance of love. Love has something earthly about it, friendship is simply divine. Love has something physiological in it, friendship is pure spirituality. Love has some biological roots, friendship has no biological roots; hence friendship exists only between human beings. And whenever any animal, a dog, a wold, a horse, and elephant, shows friendship, it shows tremendous intelligence. Yes, a few animals show friendship, and that's why they are higher animals. They are very close to humanity, just on the boundary line. The very existence of friendship in their being shows that they are very close. Just one step more and they will be human beings in their next life.
So this is not just to be your name, this has to become your path: friendship with all, unconditionally, with no motive. That is prayer and that is meditation.
This is your name: Swami Anand Paresh.
Remember one thing, that sannyas is not in any way renunciation. That was the old idea of sannyas, to renounce life, to escape from life. I am all for life. One has to be more aware in living, that is true, more intelligent in living, that is true, more artful, that is rue -- but escapism is suicidal.
I am against the escapist tradition, and all the religions up to now have been deeply involved with the escapist attitude. Because of that they have made life on earth very poor. They have not contributed anything to life, they have not been creative, they have not enriched it. On the contrary they have impoverished it. Patricularly in this country, because religion has been very predominent millions of people became escapists. That's why no science was born. Who would give birth to science: -- because all the intelligent persons became escapists. They rushed towards the mountains. Sitting in the caves, doing stupid postures, they wasted the great opportunity that god had given to them.
Somebody would be standing on his head, somebody would be distorting his body or lying on a bed of thorns, somebody would be fasting. All kinds of foolish things have existed in the name of religion and have been thought very holy and spiritual. They are simply different kinds of diseases -- neuroses, psychoses, schizophrenia.
My effort here is to create a whole human being, an integrated human being, life-affirmative. Creativity is my approach. If you can create something in life, think that you are doing god's work. That is the only service required and the only prayer worth doing. Other prayers are for people who cannot be creative.
This is your new name: Swami Mahesvar. Maheshwar means the great god.
Man contains the greatness, the infinity, the eternity of god. Man contains all the glory and all the splendor that belongs to god. But is has to becomes an expression. Ordinarily it is dormant, it has to be stirred. All the meditations are devised in such a way so that it can be stirred, so that it starts welling up, so that it starts growing.
Everybody has the capacity to produce infinite flowers of beauty, sensitivity, awareness, and ultimately of enlightenment. No one is born small. If somebody remains small that is his own decision. That is like a seed deciding not to grow. Yes, a seed can die as a seed without ever knowing the joys of growth, of
bringing great foliage, branches and leaves, flowers and fruits, f having a dialogue with the stars and the moon and the sun, of releasing its energies, of pouring its being into existence and knowing the orgasmic joy that comes out of that pouring.
Seeing a seed nobody can believe that it will contain beautiful flowers. By cutting the seed you cannot 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
find those flowers in it. By analyzing the seed you will never be able to know what it was meant to be.
Hence it is not a question of psychoanalysis, it is more a question of psychosynthesis. And every psychosynthesis is only a preparation; ultimately growth is a question of transcending the mind completely.
Our whole education believes in analysis, hence synthesis has to be emphasized, to put things into balance. And once there is balance then transcendence is possible.
Sannyas is not just a formal phenomenon. It is getting ready for a radical change, nothing less than a great revolution in your inner being. It is giving birth to god in your innermost core. It is an effort to become a temple for him.
This is your new name: Ma Deva Gatha. Deva means divine. Gatha means story.
Life is a divine story. It is not your biography, it is god's biography. We are simply pages in it, paragraphs in it, footnotes in it. Existence is a great orchestra, we are small notes, small instruments. We can play in tune with the whole, that brings bliss. We can play against the whole, that brings misery. It is as simple as that. So whenever you feel miserable remember that knowingly or unknowingly you are doing something against the whole. Put it right. Nobody is responsible except you. Take the whole responsibility on yourself. That is one of the fundamentals of sannyas: responsibility, total responsibility.
And when ever you feel blissful, learn from that moment. You must have fallen in tune with the whole.
So remember how it happened and create the same context again and again so that it can happen more and it can happen more deeply.
Misery and bliss are great teachers. If we can simply watch and learn from these two teachers no other scripture is needed.
This is your new name: Ma Deva Parinito. Deva means god. Parinito means married to.
Sannyas is a marriage to god. It is getting deeply involved in the ultimate destiny of existence. It is dropping the coldness of a spectator and becoming warm. It is a passionate affair of commitment, of involvement, of participation.
God is not an object that you can know by standing aside as a spectator, you can know god only if you participate. God is a dance that you have to participate in to know the real meaning of it. God is a song that you have to sing, then only will you know the beauty of it. God is a wine that you have to drink; only then do you become intoxicated. Just watching the wine like a spectator is not going to help. It is not going to quench your thirst, it is not going to make you intoxicated.
Sannyas means that you are dropping the ordinary status of a spectator and your are becoming involved, getting into deeper waters. But that is the only way to come to reality. When you are utterly drowned in it, drunk with it, then only do you know the sheer joy of it, the ecstasy of it.
This is your new name: Swami Sureshwar. Sureshwar means god of gods -- and that is our reality.
To be a human being is an accident, to be a man or a woman is an accident, to be a tree or a bird is an accident. The intrinsic it the same. At the innermost core we are all gods, but on the periphery we are different. The forms are different, the garments are different, the bodies are different, the minds are different, but the soul? -- it is not different at all. In fact we don't have different souls. The whole existence has only one soul, the whole existence has only one center.
To be reminded of it is all. Once you start remembering it, recognizing it not just
as an intellectual idea but as something felt in the heart, the transformation has set in. Then you cannot fall back, then there is no going back. The growth has started, you have started moving for the first time.
People only appear to be moving, they are not moving, they remain the same. They go on moving in circles. They keep up the pretension that they are moving, bu because they move in circles there is no growth, no achievement, no arrival. Unless you arrive at god, remember, you have not arrived anywhere.
And this can be made possible, this is my whole effort here: to create the context, the space where you can be challenged towards for this great adventure of knowing yourself. By knowing oneself one knows all, and by not knowing oneself one may know all -- it is worthless (To the son of an ashram resident.)
Come here. So finally you decided! (laughter) Good! I was waiting for you. You have been avoiding and avoiding, but how long can one avoid? -- that is the question. (laughter) This is your new name: Swami Prem Deven. Prem means love. Deven means divine.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Love is the most divine quality. Grow in love and you are growing towards god. Stop growing in love and you have stopped growing completely; there is no growth other than love. And people go on going that A few people go on accumulating wealth and they think that they are achieving something. They are not achieving anything. All that wealth will be left behind. They will not be able to take it with them. It is a sheer wastage of a great opportunity, collecting trivia. A few people accumulate knowledge -- that too is futile. Only your memory becomes bigger and bigger, but your being remains the same. By knowing much nothing happens to your being. It is only through love that something starts happening to your being. A new freshness arises, a new breeze starts moving through you, new light penetrates you, new wonder and awe arises in you. For the first time you start looking into existence not through the head, but through the heart.
And that is the true window.
Once that window opens, all that was impossible before becomes possible. Then one is entitled to miracles.
Dance Til the Stars Come Down From the Rafters
Chapter #14
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