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Life Should be a Passion
17 May 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Sahaj Bharti. Sahaj means spontaneous. That is going to be your work. Be spontaneous. Never act out of the past; always act out of the present moment. This moment is all there is. If you respond from this moment, you respond from your reality.
You are responsible if you respond from your reality in this moment, herenow. If you act out of the past and because some woman is your wife you show love to her; if in the moment there is nothing but you are just carrying the marriage certificate, by and by you become false. Then you go on acting out of duty and all love disappears. By and by you completely forget that you have become a false entity. Life becomes dull, stale, stinking.
That’s what hell is. So remember, from this moment become more and more alert and be spontaneous. Flow with the moment Stream with the moment, and allow the moment to take possession of you, whatsoever the cost. And you will never be a loser because more and more life will become possible to you. More and more your dead body, your dead consciousness, will become alive; blood will flow again. The feeling will start becoming aroused again and you will become a child again.
That’s what being spontaneous means – to be a child again. And much is going to happen... [A sannyasin who is leaving says: I don’t feel happy or not happy about going.]
I know it is sad going, but your feelings are completely right. It is always a mixture of happiness and unhappiness. Each moment brings both. We chose whatsoever aspect we want to chose, otherwise each moment brings the ambiguity; it brings both. If you watch you will become aware of both.
So go laughing and crying, mm? It is a little bizarre, but if you can laugh and weep together it will be a tremendous help. Ordinarily either we laugh or we weep. We never do both things together. If you do both things together, suddenly you will become a watcher. You cannot be identified with two contradictory things; that’s why we do them separately.
We maintain a certain economy inside. When we laugh, we laugh; we don’t cry. When we cry, we cry; we don’t laugh. We have made a division, an aristotolean division. When we say yes, we don’t say no. Maybe the no is there but we don’t say it. Maybe it is being said inside, but we don’t utter it outside. When we say no, the yes is also there.
If you watch deeply, each yes carries a hidden part of no in it and each no carries yes in it. But if somebody asks something and you say both yes and no always, then it will be maddening. It is utilitarian that we choose one, but for inner work you can do both together; that will be very helpful.
Children or madmen or sages laugh and weep together. That’s why sages look close to madmen and madmen look close to sages. A few things are similar.
A madman can laugh and weep because he does not bother about logic. There is no need for him to think whether it is okay to laugh and weep together. He does not bother about categories, divisions, false boundaries and definitions; he goes on overlapping all divisions.
But if you can do it meditatively you will attain to a very deep witnessing. So you can make it a point every night to close your room and laugh and weep together. And watch – you will see such a beautiful energy flowing, and watching becomes easier because identification is impossible. How can you identify with two opposite things simultaneously? With one it is okay; you are weeping and you can identify yourself with the weeper, or you are laughing and you can identify yourself with the laughter. But both? Impossible. When you do both together, you become the third.
Try it. You have stumbled upon something so use it and it can become a deep meditation.
[A sannyasin, who is a psychiatric nurse, says: Wilhelm Reich says “All patients are genitally disturbed. They must become genitally healthy. That means we must find and destroy all pathological attitudes which prevent the establishment of orgasmic potency.”
As a therapist and one receiving therapy, is that statement factual and a good foundation on which to build?]
Exactly, precisely. The healthy organism is always capable of achieving peaks of orgasm. It is orgasmic. It is streaming, flowing.
When a happy man laughs, he laughs as if his whole body laughs. It is not just the lips, it is not just the face. From the feet to the head he laughs as a total organism. Ripples of laughter flow through his being. His whole bio-energy is rippled through with laughter. It is in a dance. When a healthy man is sad,. he’s really sad, totally. When a healthy man is angry, he is really angry, totally. When he makes love, he is love; nothing else. When he makes love, he only makes love.
In fact to say that he makes love is not right. The expression in English is vulgar because love cannot be made. It is not that he makes love – he is love. He is nothing but love energy. And that’s the way
he is in all that he does. If he is walking, he is just a walking energy. There is no walker in it. If he is digging a hole, he is just the digging.
A healthy man is not an entity; he is a process, a dynamic process. Or we can say that a healthy man is not a noun but a verb... not a river but a rivering. He is continuously flowing in all dimensions, overflowing. And any society that prevents this, is pathological. Any person who is inhibited in any way, is pathological, lopsided. Only a part, not the whole, is functioning.
Many women don’t know what orgasm is. Many men don’t know what a total orgasm is. Many achieve only a local orgasm, a genital orgasm; it is confined to the genitals. Just a small ripple in the genitals – and finished. It is not like possession when the whole body moves into a whirlpool and you are lost in an abyss. For a few moments time stops and the mind does not function. For a few moments you do not know who you are. Then it is a total orgasm.
Man is unhealthy and pathological because society has crippled him in many ways. You are not allowed to love totally, you are not allowed to be angry; you are not allowed to be yourself. A thousand and one limitations are enforced.
If you really want to be healthy, you have to uninhibit yourself. You have to undo all that the society has done to you. The society is very criminal, but that is the only society we have, so nothing can be done right now. Each one has to work his own way out of this pathological society, and the best way is to start becoming orgasmic in as many ways as possible.
If you go swimming, then swim, but swim as a total being so you become swimming, a verb; the noun is dissolved. If you run, then run; then becoming running, not a runner. In your Olympics you have runners, egos, competitors... ambitious. If you can simply run without the runner being there, that running becomes zen; it becomes meditative. Dance, but don’t become a dancer, because the dancer starts manipulating and then he is not total. Just dance and let the dance take you wherever it wants to.
Allow life, trust life, and by and by life will destroy all your inhibitions, and energy will start streaming in all those parts where it has been prevented.
So whatsoever you do, do with this hidden idea that you have to become more flowing. If you hold somebody’s hand, really hold it. You are holding it anyway, so why waste this moment? Really hold it! Don’t just be two dead hands holding each other, each wondering when the other is going to leave. If you talk, then let the talk be passionate, otherwise you will bore others and yourself.
Life should be a passion, a vibrating passion, a pulsating passion, a tremendous energy. Whatsoever you do it should not be dull, otherwise don’t do it. There is no duty to do anything, but whatsoever you feel like doing, really do it.
All inhibitions will disappear by and by, and your whole life will be reclaimed. Your body will be reclaimed; your mind will be reclaimed. The society has crippled the body, the mind – everything. They have given you certain choices; very narrow slits are open and you can only see from those slits. You are not allowed to see the total.
This is what I call a religious mind, a healthy mind. A religious mind is orgasmic, ecstatic. So’ don’t be frozen, mm? Flow.…
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