< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 10 June 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Deva means divine, prasthano means beginning – a divine beginning. Sannyas is a beginning, not the end – the first step but the most vital, the most radical. Even the last step will not be so radical, because the last comes of its own accord – the first has to be taken. It needs your decision, your commitment, your involvement....

14 min · 2806 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents ‌CHAPTER 10 20 September 1976 am in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [NOTE: This discourse is in the process of being edited for publication. It is for reference use only.] The first question: Question 1 YESTERDAY YOU SAID THAT SUDDEN ENLIGHTENMENT IS NOT BOUND BY THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT, BUT IF NOTHING IS HAPHAZARD IN EXISTENCE, NOTHING HAPPENS ACCIDENTALLY, THEN HOW CAN THE HIGHEST EXPERIENCE LIKE ENLIGHTENMENT HAPPEN THIS WAY?...

52 min · 10899 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 10 August 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [A new sannyasin agrees to do the groups Osho suggests, but says she would like to travel around india first.] I think the better course will be that first you be here and then travel... First groups. Then you will have a better vision to see the country; you will have a better attitude....

15 min · 3013 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 12 December 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [On 10th and 11th December there were no speaking darshans. The 11th was the birthday celebration, and the book contains a description of this.] Anand means bliss, apta means one who has achieve – done who has achieved bliss. And this is the paradox – that the goal is already achieved before the journey has even started....

5 min · 917 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 30 August 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [A sannyasin had said at his last darshan (see Dance Your Way to God, August 16th, 1976) that he was too much of an egoist, so Osho had told him to give his ego full play for one week – to set himself up as a guru and adopt some followers etc. Tonight, the sannyasin reported back : I enjoyed it, but I also felt guilty....

18 min · 3731 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 10 July 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Anand Kaela. Anand means blissfulness; and if kaela has no meaning, then your name will mean a blissful meaninglessness. And that’s exactly what life is: it is utterly blissful but it has no meaning. It is blissful because it has no meaning. To have meaning means to become a commodity, to have meaning means to become a thing....

11 min · 2313 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 10 November 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Jesus says again and again: Unless you are like a child you will not enter into my kingdom of god. The child has something which the grown-up loses; that something has to be regained. The child has some qualities of paradise. Once you start growing up you start losing paradise; that paradise has to be regained....

21 min · 4398 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 10 April 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Anand Joseph. Anand means bliss, joseph is a blessing; it means may God increase. Your full name will mean may God increase your bliss. It is always a possibility, a hope, a dream. The dream can be fulfilled, the hope can become reality, the possible can be actual; but between the two there is a great gap....

9 min · 1755 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 10 January 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [veet artho – beyond meaning] Truth has no meaning; all meaning is in man’s imagination, it is man’s projection. Reality simply is. There is no why and there is no way to find its why. But the mind feels very much disturbed by this meaninglessness, because it cannot exist without meaning, it lives on meaning....

5 min · 1020 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 10 October 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Anand means bliss, wajid is a Sufi word. It means intense yearning for god, a total longing for god, a passionate longing for god – not just a desire. A desire becomes a longing when you are ready to risk all for it. Even life seems to be less valuable than it. Desires serve life; a life serves a longing....

18 min · 3701 words · Osho