< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 23 December 1975 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [A sannyasin says: I’ve been really rebellious and resistent to you. Whenever you say something in the lecture that I don t like, I cough. It is not as deliberate as all that, but I’ve discovered there’s a very close connection.] Very good! This is a good discovery! [The sannyasin continues: And I like you]...

13 min · 2616 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 10 May 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Deva means divine, Arie means black – divine blackness. Black is symbolic of death. It is also symbolic of infinity, of the mysterious, of the uncaused. Light has to be caused. Light needs fuel; once the fuel is finished light is gone. Darkness is eternal. It needs no cause, no fuel: it is simply there....

6 min · 1250 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 10 April 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [A new sannyasin says he has been on many paths and doesn’t know if he should follow the path of will or surrender – if it would help to clarify this.] You have not followed anything up to now. It was just a game that you were in. First pass through a few group therapies then I will decide what path you can follow....

12 min · 2474 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 23 February 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [A sannyasin said he found life easier in the West, and it was difficult for him to be totally here. Osho said he should go and live out the fantasies he had been having, but that the moment he reached the States he would start thinking about Poona. He said it was good to go and be finished with those things he felt incomplete, and that he would find that there was a vast difference between reality and fantasy....

14 min · 2797 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 3 June 1974 am in Buddha Hall [NOTE: This is a translation from the Hindi discourses: Nahim Ram Bin Thaon. It is being edited for publication, and this version is for reference only.] Question BELOVED OSHO, YOU HAVE SAID THAT EDUCATING THE INTELLECT OF THE CHILDREN IS A MUST. BUT SHOULD THEY ALSO SIMULTANEOUSLY BE TAUGHT MEDITATION? MANY SANNYASINS HAVE FAMILIES; WHAT SHOULD THEIR APPROACH BE WITH THEIR CHILDREN?...

48 min · 10042 words · Osho


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1 min · 8 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 10 June 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Anand Rosalba. Anand means bliss; Rosalba means a white rose. Bliss is a white rose. It is white because white is the combination of all the colors. White represents totality. White is the most positive phenomenon, just as the black is the most negative. The black represents the absence of all colors, and white, the presence of all colors....

12 min · 2527 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 14 May 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Mujib. Prem means love, Mujib is a sufi name for God. It means ‘one who hears the prayer, the hearer of prayers.’ No prayer is ever lost, and if it is, that simply means it has not been done; it never means anything else. Your heart was not in it, it was only lip service....

8 min · 1498 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 13 June 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [To a newly initiated sannyasin, who said he was a Primal therapist, Osho spoke about the difference between groups here and in the West, adding that it would be helpful for to be a participant rather than a leader for a little while] ... and the milieu here is totally different. In the West it is a therapy and the relationship is between a doctor and a patient, the healer and the healed....

17 min · 3496 words · Osho


< Previous | Contents | Next > ‌CHAPTER 10 28 September 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [A visitor, motioned forward to take sannyas, asked first if he could say something: I have a very strong faith in Jesus Christ and this strength brought me out of a very deep bondage. I haven’t been able to discharge this help, so what I wanted to do was to build this love up more....

22 min · 4600 words · Osho